24. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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24. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: WOSMlogo.jpg WOSM
Sted: Nairobi
Land: Flagg Kenya.png Kenya
Deltagertall: 77 nasjoner
Dato 16.21. juli 1973 [1]

24. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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77 nasjoner.

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Saker og resolusjoner

WOSMlogo.jpg Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 24. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

  • 1973-01 ConstitutionIn accordance with Article XVIII (*hand written XXIII*) of the present Constitution, the Conference has approved amendments thereto and resolves that these amendments be incorporated in the text of the Constitution and By-Laws with effect from the 22nd July, 1973. The Conference desires that the revised text be published in the official languages and circulated to Member Organizations as soon as possible after that date. The Committee is authorized, where necessary, to edit and renumber clauses, and is instructed to ensure that the French text is correct and accurate before publication.
  • 1973-02 RegistrationsIs pleased to accord recognition and registration to Effective 23rd Sept., 1972 - Federation du Scoutisme Ivorien - Federation Voltaique du Scoutisme
  • 1973-03 ChileThe Conference notes with great pleasure the progress being made towards the re-organization and unification of Scouting in Chile - looks forward to the early return of Chile to membership of this Conference - and requests the World Committee to proceed with the necessary formalities.
  • 1973-04 SpainThe Conference addresses to the Liaison Committee of the Scouts in Spain the expression of its faith in the development of Scouting in Spain, thanks to the work being done by the Associations concerned in a spirit of brotherly cooperation; and expresses the hope that it will be possible to welcome officially Spanish Scouting as a Member Organisation of the World Conference in the near future.
  • 1973-05 Scout ForumsThe Conference re-affirms Conference Resolution 1969-12 encouraging increased boy participation in the decision-making process of the Movement and notes with pleasure the increasing number of Scout Forums being held in member countries and regions. The Conference endorses the following recommendations common to most youth forums and commends them to World Bureau and Member Organizations for action. a) The regular updating of the basic programme system to meet the interests and needs of young people and provide the opportunity for Scouts to take an active part in planning and decision making. b) The introduction of co-educational activities at the age of 15 or before. c) Increased emphasis on conservation in Scouting programmes, including active participation in ecological projects in the community. d) National Scout Forums to be an integral part of the programme for the older age level.
  • 1973-06 Programme SeminarsThat in order to establish regular evaluation and development of Scouting programmes, Regional Committees should arrange the holding of periodic programme seminars for national leaders concerned directly with the basic programme, its educational application and its relevance to the contemporary needs of young people and for national leaders concerned with specialized aspects such as community development, conservation, etc.
  • 1973-07 Community Development ProjectsRecommends that in implementing Conference Resolutions 1969-07 and 1971-14 through Community Development projects, a national Scout association should align itself with appropriate governmental and non-governmental organizations and where necessary take the initiative.
  • 1973-08 ConservationRe-affirming the intent of its Resolution 1971-12 on Ecology, the Conference welcomes the establishment of the World Conservation Committee; notes with pleasure the joint World Scouting/World Wildlife Fund "Declaration of Intent" to cooperate closely in matters of conservation; endorses the World Scouting/World Wildlife Fund Four Point Conservation Project and urges national associations to negotiate similar cooperation and joint activities at national level.
  • 1973-09 Long Range PlanningThe Conference notes with pleasure the progress and advancement achieved during the first two years of the 5-Year Plan approved in Tokyo and welcomes enthusiastically the draft programme for the remaining years and forecast for the 1975/1977 period, resources permitting. The Conference encourages national Scout associations to adopt and use formal long range planning at all levels of their operations to ensure the most effective utilization of resources, human and financial.
  • 1973-10 Fund-RaisingThat this Conference request the World Finance Planning Committee to plan a series of regional or sub-regional fund-raising training seminars for the purpose of developing skilled fund-raisers, both voluntary and professional at national level and to promote the conduct of organized fund-raising campaigns for Scouting.
  • 1973-11 Relationships with Girl Guide MovementThe Conference notes with pleasure the recent approval by the World Committees of the Girl Guide and Scout Movements of a revised joint statement of policy on relationships which supersedes document JAC4. (Supersedes 1967-13)
  • 1973-12A Swiss Currency BaseThat as from October 1st, 1973, the accounts of the World Bureau be kept in Swiss Francs and the registration fee, expressed in Swiss Francs, shall be, by interpretation of Resolution 1971-05, computed at the rate of exchange then prevailing, which was US$0.05 equals SF. 0.20 per boy per year, and that the World Committee shall implement this resolution as directed by the Conference.
  • 1973-12B "U" FundWhereas the existence of several funds managed by the World Bureau, as approved by Resolution 1969-06 of the World Conference, entails unnecessary clerical complications and expenses, the Conference resolves that the existing balance of the Handicapped Scout Fund (US$ 2,867) and the B-P. Memorial Grants Fund (US$ 337) be incorporated in the "U" Fund current account and kept, together with future grants for the same purposes, in its books in earmarked accounts to be spent in compliance with the wishes of the donors; that the existing balance of the “U” Fund be transferred to the capital account of the World Scout Foundation, with the provision that its income be spent for the same purposes as originally designated.
  • 1973-12C Registration FeesIn order to comply with the sound accounting practices followed by the United Nations and other international institutions, the Conference resolves that any remittance received from a member country, which is in arrears for the payment of registration fees, shall, as received be applied against the earliest debt, irrespective of any intention that might be expressed by the member country.
  • 1973-12D World Bureau BudgetThe Conference endorses the World Committee's proposed basic budget for the World Bureau for the fiscal year 1973/1974 and urges the World Committee to review its priorities for the items listed under "Essential Development Services” to ensure that the benefit of additional funds becoming available will be felt mainly in the regions.
  • 1973-13 International Training CentresNoting the intention of the World Training Committee, to encourage the development of national training centres, suitable for the conduct of all types of training, the Conference agrees to the deletion of the term "International Training Centres” from Resolution 1969-09, paragraph 4.
  • 1973-14 Annual Training ReportsThe Conference concurs with the request of the World Training Committee that in future, the training section of the annual report to World Bureau required by Resolution 1955-14 be forwarded to Regional Training Committees who, in turn, will submit a consolidated Regional Training Report to World Bureau.
  • 1973-15 Founder's Writingsa) The Conference reaffirms the importance of the writings of the late Lord Baden-Powell as a source of inspiration and unity for the Movement; b) Requests that the World Bureau compile as soon as economically feasible, standard editions of the Founder's main writings, including his editorial contributions to various periodicals; c) Suggests to countries not having one of the Conference languages that they encourage the translation of the Founder's main works into their own languages.
  • 1973-16 Biennial Report 1972-1973Accepts and approves the Biennial Report of the Boy Scouts World Committee and World Bureau covering the period from the 23rd World Conference.
  • 1973-17 World Conference 1977The Conference accepts the invitation of Canada to hold the 26th World Conference in 1977 and also conveys its thanks to Brazil for their kind invitation.
  • 1973-18 World Jamboree & Conference 1979The Conference accepts the invitation of Iran to hold the 14th World Jamboree and 27th World Conference in 1979. [1]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
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