30. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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30. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: WOSMlogo.jpg WOSM
Sted: München
Land: Flagg Tyskland.png Vest-Tyskland
Deltagertall: 93 nasjoner
Dato 15.19. juli 1985 [1]

30. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Delegater og deltagerland

93 nasjoner.

Norske minner

Saker og resolusjoner

WOSMlogo.jpg Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 30. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

  • 1985-01 Registration of Member OrganizationsThe Conference records with pleasure the admission of the Scout Association of the Gambia as a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, effective 15 November, 1984.
  • 1985-02 Registration FeeThe Conference - Resolves that the system of calculating registration fees based upon dual objectives of equity and stability of income be continued, - Resolves that the following adaptations be made to ensure that the system continues to achieve its objectives: i. The base line, under which an association pays a fixed annual fee of SF 300, be raised from US$ 125 to US$ 250, ii. That the basic fee rate for calculating the annual registration fee be increased: - From SF 0.32 to SF 0. 34 per uniformed member for the fiscal year commencing 1 October 1985, - From SF 0.34 to SF 0.35 per uniformed member for the fiscal year commencing 1 October 1986, - From SF 0.35 to SF 0.36 per uniformed member for the fiscal year commencing 1 October 1987.
  • 1985-03 International Year of Shelter for the HomelessThe Conference noting that 1987 will be the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless, - Recommends that national Scout organizations i. adapt existing programmes aimed at improving living conditions in human settlements, such as housing, potable water, health and hygiene; ii. promote the Year in their programmes, conferences and publications.
  • 1985-04 UNICEFThe Conference - Welcomes the WAGGGS/WOSM cooperation with UNICEF to promote the "Child Survival and Development Revolution", - Records its appreciation to UNICEF for supporting joint WAGGGS/WOSM projects related to Child Health Care, - Recommends to national Scout organizations that they cooperate actively with UNICEF in their own countries, and seek to achieve the aims and objectives of the World Health Organization's programme “Health for All by the Year 2000”.
  • 1985-05 Peace and Human UnderstandingThe Conference recognizing that Scouting since its beginning has been a peace-creating force in the world and due to its worldwide character has a unique possibility to develop peace education into practical activities, - Welcomes the publishing of the dossier on peace and human understanding and urges national Scout organizations to utilize this material in their respective countries and in cooperation with other countries, - Recommends to the World Committee to provide opportunities for sharing of practical experiences on peace education at the next World Conference.
  • 1985-06 World Wildlife FundThe Conference recommends to national Scout organizations to develop a deeper commitment in their cooperation with the World Wildlife Fund in their respective countries.
  • 1985-07 ReforestationThe Conference - Recommends to national Scout organizations that they develop reforestation and soil conservation activities and projects in countries which are affected by drought, - Encourages international cooperative initiatives to support concretely these efforts in the most affected countries.
  • 1985-08 Voluntary ContributionThe Conference strongly urges member organizations to give serious consideration to making a voluntary contribution to the World Bureau in each of the fiscal years 1985/1986 and 1986/1987.
  • 1985-09 World Scout FoundationThe Conference - Notes with gratitude the outstanding contribution of the World Scout Foundation, - Strongly recommends to each national Scout organization to regularly support the Foundation, in every way appropriate to its means and circumstances, so that the Scout community can be seen to be helping itself.
  • 1985-10 Invitations to World Conferences and World JamboreesThe Conference - requests the World Committee i) to ensure that invitations from national Scout organizations to host World Conferences and World Jamborees be accompanied by a guarantee in writing received from their national government, not later than 4 months prior to the World Conference at which the invitation is to be considered, of free entry to the host country by all participants, ii) To verify that the location, programme and plans of the host committee correspond to the requirements of world level events, - Resolves that only invitations which meet these conditions may be brought before the Conference for consideration.
  • 1985-11 Expense of World ConferencesThe Conference - Recognizing that member organizations must constantly strive to allocate limited resources to the direct and immediate benefit of their young members, - Being aware that the constantly increasing costs of transportation and living expenses make very difficult, if not impossible, the participation of member countries at World Conferences, and that the various economical and financial phenomena known by all make more and more difficult the above-mentioned participation, - Noting that Resolution No. 1983-07 at the 29th World Conference at Dearborn recommended that future Conferences should keep expenses at a reasonable level, - Resolves: i) to reaffirm the above-mentioned resolution, ii) that both the Organizing Committee of the 31st World Conference and the World Committee be urged to provide facilities that are accessible to delegates of less privileged countries (e.g. University campuses, youth hostels). (Re-affirmed 1985-11)
  • 1985-12 World Rover MootsThe Conference, on the occasion of International Youth Year 1985,- Being aware of the important changes taking place in the world today, - Accepting its responsibility to contribute to the development of young adults in member organizations, - Recognizing the benefits to be derived from increasing the opportunities for young adults to gain greater awareness of their challenges and responsibilities through participation in international Scouting activities, - Accepts the principle of holding World Rover Moots on a regular basis as an opportunity for Rovers and other young adult members of the Scout Movement to meet together with the objective of improving their international understanding as citizens of the world, - Asks the World Committee to establish appropriate guidelines and request invitations from national Scout organizations so that the first such event will be held not later than 1990.
  • 1985-13 World Guide and Scout Consultative CommitteeThe Conference - Recognizes the positive achievements in the work of the World Guide and Scout Consultative Committee, - Recommends that the World Committee continue its efforts to develop the relations and cooperation between WAGGGS and WOSM. [1]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
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