18. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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18. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: WOSMlogo.jpg WOSM
Sted: Lisboa
Land: Flagg Portugal.png Portugal
Deltagertall: 50 nasjoner
Dato 20.24. september 1961 [1]

18. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

The World Organization of the Scout Movement, ofte forkortet til WOSM, ble stiftet på denne konfaransen, dette var tidl. The Boy Scouts International Bureau, ofte benevnt som International Bureau.

Delegater og deltagerland

50 nasjoner.

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Saker og resolusjoner

WOSMlogo.jpg Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 18. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

  • 1961-01 Biennial ReportThe report of the Boy Scouts International Committee and Bureau for the years 1959-1961, submitted by Major-General D.C. Spry, was warmly accepted by the Conference. The progress achieved was noted with pleasure, and the Conference extends its congratulations to the Committee and Bureau.
  • 1961-02 RegistrationThe Conference welcomes the recognition and registration accorded since the last meeting to: Effective November 20th 1959 - Association des Scouts Laos Effective December 16th 1959 - The Ghana Boy Scouts Association - Federation du Scoutisme Malgache Effective February 16th 1961 - Boy Scouts of Nigeria Effective May 1st 1961 - Boy Scouts of Cyprus Effective August 8th 1961 - Federation Nationale du Scoutisme Morocain And also the European Coal and Steel Community (Bureau List) effective November 6th, 1959 and Scouts de Monaco (Bureau List) effective 7th June 1961.
  • 1961-03 Registration FeeThe Conference accepts the recommendation of the Internation Committee that there shall be no increase in the rate of Annual Registration Fee, and confirms that the fee for the years 1962 and 1963 shall be at the rate of $20.00 (U.S. currency) per 1,000 uniformed members for a full year and pro rata for shorter periods.
  • 1961-04 4th World Indaba and 19th World ConferenceThe Conference offers its sincere thanks to those members who submitted invitations for the 4th World Indaba and the 19th World Conference and requests the Committee to study these and submit proposals to the Conference for a postal vote.
  • 1961-05A ReportsThe Conference has received with much interest and pleasure the reports from the Inter-American, Far East and Arab Regional Committees, together with that presented by the Scouts Alpine Club.
  • 1961-05B European RegionThe Conference cordially welcomes the inauguration of the European Regional Conference and Committee and has received with pleasure the report presented by its first chairman. It firmly believes that these two bodies will together assist the further development of Scouting in the countries of the continent where the Movement was born.
  • 1961-06 Traininga) The Conference welcomes the inauguration of the International Training Advisory Committee, under the chairmanship of Mr. W.D. Campbell, and congratulates the Committee on the progress it has made in the unification and extension of leadership training throughout the world. b) This Conference wholeheartedly supports the recommendation of the 3rd International Training Conference that: i) The definition of requirements set out in the paper "Wood Badge Training - an international scheme" be accepted. ii) Those associations which have not already appointed a national training commissioner, be encouraged to do so. iii) The procedures set out in the paper “International Training Administration" be accepted. iv) Where appropriate, every encouragement be given to the training of professionals. c) The Conference welcomes the proposed publication of a "National Training Commissioner's Handbook", the interchange of ideas and experiences, and, in particular, the holding of international and regional training conferences. d) International training centre. The Conference records its gratitude to the International Training Centre, Gilwell Park, for the irreplaceable contribution which it has made, is making and will continue to make to world Scouting, and expresses its appreciation to the (British) Boy Scouts Association for making this contribution possible.
  • 1961-07 SpainThe Conference notes with pleasure the presence at its meeting of representatives from Spain and looks forward to the day when there will again be a flourishing Scout Movement in the country, able to participate fully in World Scout events.
  • 1961-08 Duty to God/Religion(Argentina and Venezuela dissented) The Conference recognizes that Duty to God/Religion is basic in the philosophy and intent of the Boy Scout Movement. For Scout associations which so wish the Promise must be capable of being formulated so that allowance is made for the fact that their membership may include believers in a Personal God and also those who acknowledge a spiritual Reality. Any such information must be in accord with the original Scout Promise that recognizes a supreme spiritual Presence in the Universe. The Conference sees as the responsibility of the Scout organization the need to reach as many boys as possible in the area of our influence, to guide them toward a spiritual life and to assure that the religious faith to which a Scout belongs is fully safe-guarded.
  • 1961-09 Committee Members ExpensesThe Conference confirms the decision of the International Committee and authorizes it to reimburse, as necessary, reasonable expenses incurred by its members in attending its meetings.
  • 1961-10 United NationsThe Conference has heard with shock and deep regret of the sudden death of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary-General of the United Nations. He carried out his duties with exceptional ability and his loss will be felt by all members of the free world. The Conference instructs that messages conveying its sincere sympathy be sent to his family and to the United Nations Secretariat.
  • 1961-11 Delegates to Meetings of ConferenceThe Conference considers it desirable that national associations appoint as their delegates to its meetings persons of the highest calibre obtainable, and recommends that they be appointed from amongst the national officers and those responsible for administration, training, programme and international relationships so as to give the broadest base of experience and knowledge to the delegation.
  • 1961-12 World Scout Flag/BadgeThe Conference resolves that the official flag of the World Scout movement shall consist of a field of purple bearing a white fleur-de-lys surrounded by a design representing a white rope, knotted centrally at the bottom with a reef knot, and authorises the use of such flag by its member Associations, or any unit thereof.
  • 1961-13 Badge and Flag of the International Committee and BureauThe Conference resolves that the official badge and flag of the International Committee and Bureau shall be a fleut-de-lys surrounded by two concentric circles containing the words "ASIA, AMERICA, EUROPE, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA," the whole to be in white on a field of purple.
  • 1961-14 Change in Financial YearThe Conference approves the recommendation of the International Committee that the fiscal year of the Committee and Bureau shall as from 1st January 1962, end on the 30th September.
  • 1961-15 Promise and LawThe Conference desires to stress once again the vital necessity of transmitting to the boy, in accordance with his level of understanding and ability, the true meaning of the Promise and Law as well as his personal responsibility thereto.
  • 1961-16 Public RelationsThe Conference, realizing the necessity of making the principles of Scouting more widely known to governments and the general public and the need for Scouts themselves to live by these principles, stresses the importance of careful selection and training of Scouters who by their personal example educate the young Scouts and influence society.
  • 1961-17 ConstitutionIn accordance with article lX of the Constitution, the Conference has approved certain revisions and amendments thereto and resolves that these amendments and revisions be incorporated in the text of the Constitution and Bye-Laws with effect from the 25th September, 1961. The Conference desires that the revised text be published in the official languages and circulated to member countries as soon as possible after that date. The Committee is authorised to edit the final numbering of clauses, and punctuation, and to ensure that the French text is correct before publication. [1]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
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