11. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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11. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: International Bureau
Sted: Château de Rosny-sur-Seine
Land: Frankrike
Deltagertall: 32 nasjoner
Dato 19.22. august 1947 [1]
Les mer om speidingen i Frankrike Flagg Frankrike.png

11. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Flagg Frankrike.png 11. verdenskonferanse i Frankrike, 1941 (International Bureau) ble planlagt lagt til Frankrike, men ble utsatt grunnet den andre verdenskrig og den ble arrangert først i 1947. [1]

Norge og verden er fortsatt preget av ettervirkningene av den andre verdenskrig, med store mengder med mennesker på flukt.
Se artikkelsidene om "den andre verdenskrig", "Gjenoppbygging" og "Beslaglagte midler skaffes tilbake".

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32 nasjoner.

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Saker og resolusjoner

Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 11. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

Note: Resolutions 1947-02 to 1947-07 are Resolutions of Thanks and Appreciation.
  • 1947-01 Chief Scout of the WorldA) The Conference records its heartfelt gratitude for the life, leadership and example of the late Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Chief Scout of the World and Founder of the Boy Scout Movement, B) EXTENDS its deep sympathy to Olave, Lady Baden-Powell, and his family in their loss, and C) Reaffirms its steadfast loyalty to the aims, principles and methods of Scouting for boys, as inaugurated by the late Lord Baden-Powell, and its belief in the value of international Scouting in the promotion of understanding and goodwill among all peoples.
  • 1947-08 Reports – International Scout Chalet at Kandersteg – HAS RECEIVED with much pleasure the report on the progress of the International Scout Chalet, Kandersteg, and the Scouts Alpine Club and again asks that all member Associations of the Conference shall co-operate by making the Chalet and Club as widely known as possible to their members and continue the support which they are giving.
  • 1947-09 Inter-American Advisory CommitteeThe Conference welcomes the inauguration of the Inter-American Boy Scouts Advisory Committee (Consejo Interamericano de Escultismo) as a project for the development of Scouting, both nationally and internationally, throughout the American Continent in close consultation with the International Bureau.
  • 1947-10 West African JamboreeRECORDS with great pleasure the holding of a West African Jamboree at Lagos in February, 1947, and offers its congratulations to the Boy Scouts of Nigeria and all who assisted in the organisation of that Jamboree on the success of the largest international gathering ever held in West Africa.
  • 1947-11 RegistrationIs PLEASED TO CONFIRM that "Magyar Cserkeszfiuk Szovetsege" is accredited in its membership of the International Scout Conference in succession to the former "Magyar Cserkeszszovetseg” and WELCOMES the recognition accorded since the previous meeting of the Conference to the following Scout organisations: - Pfadfinder Oesterreichs, - The Boy Stouts Association of Canada, - Exploradores de El Salvador, - Scouts d'Haiti, - Federazione Esploratori Italiani, - Federation Libanaise du Scoutisme, - Boy Scouts de Nicaragua, - Boy Scouts of the Philippines, extending to all these members the cordial good wishes of the Conference.
  • 1947-12 Transfer of Registration - BelgiumCONFIRMS AND WELCOMES the transfer of its recognition formerly accorded to its member Associations in Belgium to their Joint Council, the "Interfederale Belge du Scoutisme" or "Interfederale Scoutsbond van Belgie," and calls the attention of its member Associations in countries in which there are at present more than one Scout Association recognised by the Conference to Resolution No. 1924-23 of the Third International Scout Conference, 1924, paragraph 2 (a).
  • 1947-13 ConstitutionIn accordance with Article IX of its Constitution, HAS APPROVED certain amendments thereto and RESOLVES that these Amendments be incorporated in the text of the Constitution and Bye Laws forthwith.
  • 1947-14 Displaced PersonsThe Conference extends its greetings to Scout groups among displaced persons and, upon the recommendation of the International Committee, resolves that the following procedure be adopted: a) A separate division of the Boy Scouts International Bureau shall be opened forthwith under which shall be registered all associations or groups among displaced persons now in Austria and Germany. b) The D.P. Division of the International Bureau will do its best to assist all D.P. Scouts, with advice and suggestions and will, in consultation with the Control Authorities, the International Refugee Organization and other responsible bodies, ensure that the aims, methods and principles of Scouting are accepted and practiced and that political propaganda is not preached. c) Registration with the D.P. Division of the International Bureau will not give right of membership of the Boy Scouts International Conference but will give recognition as Scouts under the protection of the Bureau. d) In countries other than Austria and Germany, Scout groups among D.Ps. Who are still in a state of transition are recommended to join or affiliate to the local branch of the national recognized Member Organization of the Conference and such national associations are requested to afford every courtesy and all possible assistance to these groups. e) All D.P. Scouts who eventually take up residence in a country where there is already a recognized Member Organization of the Conference shall have the choice of becoming members of that association or of relinquishing their Scout membership. On settlement they cease to be in a state of transition and are bound by the laws of the country of their adoption. f) Scout associations of the country of adoption are recommended to allow such Scouts to belong to groups sponsored by the leading men of the nationality of origin and, until citizenship of the country of adoption is achieved, to take a modified form of Scout Promise which must, however, include some expression of loyalty to the laws of the country of present domicile.
  • 1947-15 Jamborees, ParticipationUpon the recommendation of the International Committee, the Conference desires to place on record the principles to be followed in participation in World Jamborees and World Rover Moots and other world, or regional, Scout gatherings held under the auspices of the Conference and in national camps and other Scout gatherings held under the auspices of a registered Member Association: a) No one who is not a member of a registered Member Association may be invited to take part or to camp at any World Jamboree, World Rover Moot or any other Scout gathering authorized by the Boy Scouts International Conference. b) No one who is not a member of a registered Member Association may be invited to take part or to camp at any other Scout gathering held under the auspices of a registered Member Association to which representatives, contingents or groups from other registered Member Associations are invited to take part. The Conference desires to make it clear in stating these principles that there are certain obligations of Scout membership which carry with them as a prescriptive right certain privileges that cannot be shared with others outside the brotherhood of Scouts.
  • 1947-16 Gilwell ParkThe Conference welcomes the assurance from the Chief Scout of the British Commonwealth and Empire that Gilwell Park will continue to be maintained as an international as well as national training centre and that the International Bureau will be associated with its international functions, and REFERS to the International Committee the various suggestions put forward in the excellent paper on "The Training of Scouters" by Scoutisme Français and in the subsequent discussion.
  • 1947-17 Letter of IntroductionUpon the recommendation of the International Commissioners, the Conference resolves that all member countries be advised of the fact that unless the International Scout Letter of Introduction is produced, individual Scouts or Scout parties visiting any other member country cannot expect to be offered a Scout reception or hospitality, and recommends the incorporation in the Letter of Introduction of some form of international insignia which shall be known to all member countries, and that the printing of these Letters by the International Bureau should be done in such a way as to render their imitation as difficult as possible.
  • 1947-18 Correspondence, ControlThe Conference urges that individual Scouts and especially Scout groups be encouraged to carry on international Scout correspondence by appropriate means of information and publicity in the Scout press in each member country and by putting into operation the means of establishing and maintaining it under the control of the respective national Scout headquarters.
  • 1947-19 Visits abroad, ProcedureThe Conference recommends that in order to obtain the maximum value and international contact from visits of Scout groups to other countries the following points of procedure be observed: a) The international department of the country of the visiting group should call the attention of the Scouter concerned to the interest and importance of establishing contact with the Scouts of the country to be visited. b) The international department of the country to be visited should be advised as soon as possible in advance of the departure of each group intending to visit their country, preferably not less than two months before. c) The international department of the country to be visited should arrange for local Scout groups in their country to welcome each visiting group.
  • 1947-20 International Scouts Own ServicesRECOMMENDS that the occasion of the. Sunday following the anniversary of the birthday of the Founder of the Scout Movement (22nd February) be used each year to unite as many Scouts as possible in International Scouts' Own Services by means of world or regional radio hook-ups and REQUESTS the International Committee to examine, or to appoint a Select Committee to examine, the means of putting this proposal into effect.
  • 1947-21 United Nations Appeal for ChildrenHaving taken note of the United Nations Appeal for Children, LOOKS WITH FAVOUR on all Movements to do with the welfare of children and calls the attention of its member national organisations to this worthwhile cause, leaving it to each country to support whatever causes they see fit.
  • 1947-22 Former ScoutsThe Conference recommends that Member Associations should foster and inspire the mobilization of the vast numbers of old Scouts and Scouters who have been members of recognized Scout associations for the following reason: a) To keep alive the spirit of the Scout Promise and Law in their own lives. b) To bring that spirit into the communities in which they live and work. c) Whilst remembering their other responsibilities, actively to support Scouting in their communities, countries and the world. And further recommends: d) That the fortieth anniversary of the beginning of Scouting presents an excellent opportunity for launching and developing the formation of old Scouts branches. e) That the International Committee finds a new term as it considers the term "old Scouts" to be a deterrent to the development of this important branch of Scouting; and f) That the question of the establishment of an International Old Scouts and, possibly, Guides Association be included in the agenda of the 12th International Scout Conference.
  • 1947-23 Pacific Jamboree 1949WELCOMES the tentative proposal of the Australian Federal Council of the Boy Scouts Association to organise a Pacific Jamboree early in 1949 and refers this matter to the International Committee for necessary action, and OFFERS its thanks to the Boy Scouts Association of New Zealand for their courtesy in withdrawing their invitation in favour of Australia.
  • 1947-24 International Commissioners MeetingRECOMMENDS that an informal meeting of International Commissioners of sorrie three days duration be held each year in which there is no International Scout Conference, and ACCEPTS with great pleasure the invitation from the Delegation of Switzerland to organise such a meeting at Kandersteg during the summer of 1948.
  • 1947-25 4th World Rover Moot and 12th International Scout ConferenceACCEPTS with much pleasure the kind invitation from Norway to hold the Fourth World Rover Moot and Twelfth International Scout Conference in that country in 1949, and "OFFERS its sincere thanks to Australia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Jamaica and Mexico for their offers. [1]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
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