16. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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16. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: International Bureau
Sted: Cambridge
Land: England, Storbritannia
Deltagertall: 52 nasjoner
Dato 14.16. august 1957 [1]
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16. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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52 nasjoner.

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Saker og resolusjoner

Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 16. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

  • 1957-01 Bureau ReportThe report of the Boy Scouts International Bureau for the years 1955-1957 submitted by Major General D.C. Spry was warmly accepted by the Conference. The continued vigorous effectiveness of the work done by the Director and his staff was noted with pleasure.
  • 1957-02 Far East Travelling CommissionerThe report made by Mr. G.R. Padolina, Bureau Travelling Commissioner in the Far East was heartily welcomed. The Conference expresses its thanks to the Boy Scouts of the Philippines for the support given to the Bureau representative in the Far East and wishes every success to Mr. G.R. Padolina and his assistants.
  • 1957-03 Far East Scout Advisory CommitteeThe Conference welcomes the inauguration of the Far East Scout Advisory Committee and believes that this body will, in consultation with the International Bureau, prove a valuable means of stimulating Scouting both nationally and internationally throughout the Far East Region. It will work in collaboration with the Boy Scouts International Bureau.
  • 1957-04 RegistrationsA. The Conference welcomes the recognition and registration accorded since the last meeting of the Conference to: - Asociacion Nacional de Scouts de Honduras (eff. 11 April 1957) - Iraqi Boy Scouts Council (eff. 15 November 1956) - Sudan Boy Scout Association (eff. 31 July 1956) - Hoi Huong Dao Viet Nam (eff. 7 May 1957) B. The Conference confirms and welcomes the transfer of its recognition formerly accorded to its member Association in Ecuador to: - Asociacion de Scouts Ecuatorianos (Scouts del Ecuador) (eff.19 October 1955) C. The Conference notes with pleasure the additional international registration in France of - Les Eclaireurs Israelites de France (eff. 8 August 1957) D. The Conference is pleased to accord recognition and separate registration to: - Federation of Malaya Boy Scouts Association (Persakutuan Bud ak Pengakap) (eff. 1 September 1957) E. The Conference approves the direct registration by the International Bureau of the - International Boy Scouts of the Canal Zone (Panama Canal Zone) (eff. 15 October 1955) F. and extends to all these Associations its cordial good wishes.
  • 1957-05 B.-P. Centenary FundThe Conference notes with great pleasure the contributions already made to the Centenary Fund and recommends all its members to support this Fund generously in order that it may be as effective as possible.
  • 1957-06 Gilwell Traininga) The Conference re-affirms its belief in the vital importance to the Movement of leadership training and notes with great pleasure the increasing scale of Wood Badge training in many countries and its extension to still more member countries. The Conference records its sincere gratitude to the Camp Chief and Staff at Gilwell Park and all members of the International Gilwell Training Team for their most valuable work in fostering the true spirit of Scouting in maintaining its fundamental methods and in promoting a high standard of Scoutcraft. b) The Conference particularly welcomes the inauguration by Gilwell Park of special instructor's courses ("Training the Team") and looks forward to considerable development along these lines. It recommends that member countries take advantage of these opportunities by sending present and potential training team members to take part in these courses. c) The Conference also welcomes the holding of Regional Training Team Conferences and hopes that such events will become an extension of the quadrennial Training Team Conferences held at Gilwell. d) The Conference expresses its cordial appreciation to the Boy Scouts of America for the admirable arrangements made for the successful Western Hemisphere Training Conference held at the Schiff Scout Reservation in October, 1956. e) The Conference supports the proposal that all Scouters who have taken Wood Badge Training in any country should be encouraged to subscribe regularly and on a personal basis to the funds of the 1st Gilwell Park Group and asks that National Training Leaders should encourage them to do so.
  • 1957-07 International CommissionersFurther to Resolution 1922-12, a) The Conference considers it essential that member countries should at all times have an International Commissioner who will be their headquarters commissioner primarily concerned with relations between his association and those of other countries and with regular liaison with the International Committee and Bureau. The Conference holds most strongly that this is an office vital to the successful conduct and development of International Scouting and for an increasing understanding of our world brotherhood by all members of every national association. b) It is desirable that each International Commissioner shall have one or more assistants and thus establish a team to undertake the various tasks involved in his work. It is also desirable that national headquarters shall provide some secretarial assistance for the work of the International Commissioner's department. c) In countries having more than one association the International Commissioner should hold office from the federal council - Or with its full support - and there should be an assistant International Commissioner in each association. Alternatively, each component association of the federation should have its own International Commissioner with one holding the office of International Commissioner for the Federation in turn. d) The Conference considers it essential that the International Commissioner shall ex officio have a seat on the national council or board (or its executive committee) or shall have access to it at all times.
  • 1957-08 International Scout ProjectsThe Conference is most pleased to learn of the success of the various International Scout Projects: - The Swedish Scout Mix - Inter-American Conferences and Camporees - American Air and Sealifts - International Scout Exchanges - International Scout Clubs and offers its sincere congratulations to all those concerned in its organisation and operation.
  • 1957-09 U.S.A. People to People ProgrammeThe Conference records with very great pleasure the success of the People to People Programme as presented at this Conference and the tribute paid to Scouting as a result of Dr. Arthur A. Schuck, Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, having been selected to lead the Youth Committee of this project. Because this programme offers an unusual opportunity for building bridges of friendship between boys and girls of many countries the conference recommends that all our Scout Associations consider active support of and participation in the People to People Project.
  • 1957-10 International FellowshipThe Conference welcomes the gradual progress of the IFOFSAG and renews its recommendation to member countries to secure the organised support of former scouts.
  • 1957-11 International Chalet, KanderstegThe Conference notes with pleasure the success of the appeal made at the last Conference for furnishings, etc., for the International Chalet at Kandersteg, Switzerland, and offers its grateful thanks to all those Associations who have contributed since. At the same time it would commend this project to all those Associations who have not already made gifts of this nature in the hope that the Chalet may be truly representative of the World Brotherhood.
  • 1957-12 Scout Associations in ExileThe Conference places on record the satisfaction and pleasure at the presence of the guest delegation at the Jamboree and Conference of members of the Council of Scout Associations in Exile. It recognises the useful work for Scouting which is being done by these Associations for boys in exile in many lands and recommends the appointment of a permanent Liaison Officer of the Council of Scout Associations of the Conference. It welcomes the intention of C.S.A.E. to continue to work on present lines pending a decision by the International Conference on the future permanent relationship of C.S.A.E. with the World Brotherhood of Scouts.
  • 1957-13 Long Term Development PlanThe Conference accepts the suggested plans for development and promotion of World Scouting during the next five years presented under the title "Operation Jubilee". It firmly believes that the start of this plan will bring about a new phase in the expansion of the Movement and that each member country will give its full and whole-hearted support to ensure its success. The Conference authorises the International Committee to proceed with the operation of this plan as soon as practicable.
  • 1957-14 Thanks to British ScoutsThe Conference conveys to the Boy Scouts Association of Great Britain, whose formation in 1907 marked the foundation of our world movement, its sincere good wishes and appreciation for the kind and substantial help and support they have so willingly given to the countries that have since then introduced Scouting.
  • 1957-15 Thanks to All AssociationsThe Conference expresses its gratitude to all Member Associations for the Material and Spiritual assistance given to others throughout the past fifty years and especially during the difficult periods of war and other emergencies.
  • 1957-16 1959 Jamboree and ConferenceThe Conference accepts with pleasure the kind invitation of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines to hold the 10th World Jamboree in their country and that of the Bharat Scouts and Guides to hold the 17th International Conference in India, during 1959.
  • 1957-17 Tribute to the ScouterThe Conference records with great pleasure the selfless devotion to duty of the Scouter, who spends his time training the Boy in the game of Scouting, and pays tribute to his work. The fine and noble example of the great company of Scouters of the world in the past fifty years will inspire those who follow in the years to come.
  • 1957-18 The FounderThe Conference pays tribute and honours the memory of our Founder, B.-P., whose genius and spirit has created Scouting for Boys. His example and devotion to the boy will inspire and guide us always.
  • 1957-19 Keynote ResolutionThe Conference, as the central body of the Boy Scouts world brotherhood, on the occasion of its Founder's Centenary and the fiftieth Anniversary of the birth of Scouting in the world, reaffirms its faith in the fundamental principles of Scouting as founded by the former Chief Scout of the world, the late Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell: 1. Duty to God. 2. Loyalty to one's own country. 3. Faith in world friendship and brotherhood. 4. Accepting, freely undertaking and practising the ideals set forth in the Scout Law and Promise. 5. Independence of political influence. 6. Voluntary membership. 7. The unique system of training, based on the patrol system, activities in the open air and learning by doing. 8. Service to others. The Conference firmly believes that these principles, which have proved so successful, strongly contribute towards the formation of character in the boy of today, the man of tomorrow, to the great benefit of every nation, and through the spread of understanding and unity of purpose, of the world as a whole. May this be our endeavour in the strengthening of freedom and peace. [1]

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