26. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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26. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: WOSMlogo.jpg WOSM
Sted: Montreal
Land: Flagg Canada.png Canada
Deltagertall: 81 nasjoner
Dato 18.22. juli 1977 [1]

26. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Delegater og deltagerland

81 nasjoner.

Norske minner

Saker og resolusjoner

WOSMlogo.jpg Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 26. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

Note: Conference Resolutions 1977-01 to 1977-04 are Resolutions of “Thanks and Appreciation” Note: Conference Resolutions 1977-06 to 1977-09 are Resolutions of “Thanks and Appreciation”
  • 1977-05 Registration of Member OrganizationsThe Conference records with pleasure the registration as Member National Organizations of the World Scout Organization since its previous meeting: - The Scout Association of Papua New Guinea effective 29th July 1977 - The Scout Association of Hong Kong 16th April 1977 - The Scouts of Oman 26th May 1977 - The United Arab Emirates Scouts 26th May 1977 - Les Scouts du Togo 16th July 1977
  • 1977-10 World Conservation BadgeThe Conference notes with pleasure that the World Conservation Badge is now in use in 32 member countries and resolves that all associations not now using the World Conservation Badge be encouraged to develop their own requirements and adopt the World Conservation Badge as part of their basic programme.
  • 1977-11 Plan for World Scouting 1977/1981The Conference accepts and endorses the current draft of the Plan for World Scouting 1977/1981 in principle as a guideline for the development of Scouting throughout the world, and requests the World Committee to develop the Plan further, in terms of objectives against which progress can be measured, including budgetary requirements to attain the objectives of the Plan.
  • 1977-12 Join-in-Jamboree 1979The Conference believes there is adequate time for all Member Organizations to prepare and promote "Join-In-Jamboree" activities during 1979 relating to the World Jamboree in Iran and urges all Member Organizations to utilize full programme and communication resources to enable as many of their members as possible, who are unable to go to the Jamboree, to share in it through "Join-In" activities any time in 1979.
  • 1977-13 World Guide and Scout Consultative CommitteeThe Conference acknowledges the importance of the work that has been entrusted to the World Guide and Scout Consultative Committee and recommends to the World Committee to continue its work so that a closer cooperation between the two Organizations may facilitate the holding of joint international events for the members of both Movements.
  • 1977-14 International Year of the ChildThe Conference resolves that the World Organization of the Scout Movement play an important role in ensuring the success of the International Year of the Child 1979.
  • 1977-15 Training of TrainersThe Conference resolves that the policies and procedures on training as accepted by Resolution 1969-09 sub-section 4 on August 27, 1969 are now modified, in regard to training of trainers, by the adoption of all the recommendations contained in Document No. 3 of this Conference, dated February 22, 1977 including the addition of the following last paragraph: “In order to ensure that in the future unity of aims and purpose in Scouting, specially in the training of adult leaders, be maintained and strengthened, Regional Training Committees should hold training seminars regularly at regional or sub-regional levels, so that a continuous sharing of experiences, interchange of ideas and improvement of training techniques be maintained in the associations within a region".
  • 1977-16 Registration FeesThe Conference resolves: 1. That a deeper study of the registration fee system be conducted by an expanded Task Force of the World Committee in conjunction with a review of the distribution of functions between the world and regional echelons and the financial structure of the World Organization and that a comprehensive plan be presented to the 1979 World Conference. 2. That for the next fiscal years (1977/1978, 1978/1979) the fee be set at SF O.24 per uniformed member and the minimum fee at SF 300. - per national organization. 3. That as an interim measure during the next two fiscal years the following scale be applied, but only to countries paying their full fee before March 31, or in accordance with an agreed time schedule: PER CAPITA FEE Category I P.C.I. Over $1,200 SF. 0.24 Category II P.C.I. Under $1,200 Over $ 400 SF. 0.21 Category III P.C. I. Under $ 400 SF. 0.18 P.C.I. to be taken from statistics issued by the United Nations. 4. No fee payable for the number of uniformed members in excess of 3% of the total population of a country. 5. The Conference recommends for the consideration of the World Committee that a management study be conducted of the World Bureau's total operations, by employment of an impartial consulting firm within the means of the World Organization, utilizing currently available funds or special resources, which would provide essential material for the continuing study by the Task Force on registration fees and would also supply highly useful information for the guidance of the World Committee and the Secretary General in all financial matters.
  • 1977-17 World Brotherhood ItemsThe Conference Recognizes that distribution and use of world brotherhood items benefits the Movement by: - Maintaining and building the identity of the Movement by having the World Scout emblem multiplied and visible in many forms, - Providing certain literature and material for enriching and carrying out the Scout programme, And urges all Member Associations to re-study the range of world brotherhood items available with the view to making more of them available directly to members.
  • 1977-18 Structure of World OrganizationThe Conference proposes that the reports of the Stella Task Force and the World Bureau Relocation Task Force be taken a further stage, and in view of the close relationships between the two subjects, that a Task Force be now established with representatives from all Scout Regions, to undertake a thorough study of the structure, organization and philosophy of the operation of the World Organization of the Scout Movement to include the possible relocation of the World Bureau and to report on both matters at the World Scout Conference in 1979.
  • 1977-19 Charter of Human RightsThe World Organization of the Scout Movement, holding consultative status with the United Nations Organization, reaffirms its support for the Charter of Human Rights of the United Nations.
  • 1977-20 ConstitutionIn accordance with Article XXIII of the Constitution, the Conference has approved amendments thereto and resolves that these amendments be incorporated in the text of the Constitution with effect from July 22, 1977. The Conference desires that the revised text be published in the official languages and circulated to Member Organizations as soon as possible after that date. The World Committee is authorized, where necessary, to edit and renumber clauses, and is entrusted to ensure that the French text is correct and accurate before publication. [1]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
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