8. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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8. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: International Bureau
Sted: Stockholm
Land: Flagg Sverige.png Sverige
Deltagertall: 28 nasjoner
Dato 5.7. august 1935 [1]
Les mer om speidingen i Sverige Flagg Sverige.png

8. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Delegater og deltagerland

28 nasjoner.

Norske minner

Saker og resolusjoner

Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 8. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

Note: Resolutions 1935-01 to 1935-08 are Resolutions of Thanks and Appreciation.
  • 1935-09 World Jamboree 1937The Conference offers thanks to the Boy Scouts of Holland for the invitation which they hope to extend within the next three months to hold the next World Jamboree in Rolland in 1937; an invitation which the Conference would cordially accept.
  • 1935-10 International Cooperation in CubbingWith reference to the subject of international cooperation in Cubbing, the Conference accepts the proposal of the exchange of information and correspondence relative to the Cub Branch and requests that the International Bureau should take all suggestions outlined in Mr. Colquhoun's paper into consideration and collect those contributed by other Nations, with a view to constructing a simple scheme to enable specialists to widen their experience and consider their own Cub programmes in the light of what other nations are doing. It is further suggested that future Delegations to this Conference should include at least one member who is a Cub specialist.
  • 1935-11 Publications, copyrightWith reference to a former resolution on this subject the Conference suggests that in the case of articles or photographs appearing in Scout periodicals of which the association concerned does not possess the copyright, or of which for any other reason reproduction is not desired, without special permission, this should be explicitly stated at the end of the article or under the photographs.
  • 1935-12 Warrants for ex-Girl Guide/Girl ScoutThe Conference suggests that before any member or ex-member of Girl Guide or Girl Scout movements be given a warrant in Boy Scout associations the Girl Guide or Girl Scout association in question should be consulted first of all as to desirability of issuing a warrant.
  • 1935-13 Jamborees, FrequencyThe conference decided that World Jamborees should continue to be held at intervals of four years. 1935-14 Jamborees, Numbers – The Conference decided that World Jamborees should consist of one camp, divided into two sections: Section A: a group of sub-camps consisting of the contingents from all countries, including the host country. The contingent from the host country in this group should not be larger than the largest contingent from any other country. Section B: another group of sub-camps, consisting of Scouts from the host country only. No limitation of numbers in either group unless the host country wish to limit the numbers in Section B.
  • 1935-15 Jamborees, AgesThe Conference decided that only Boy Scouts (with a due proportion of Scouters) should be allowed in contingents. If any Rover Scouts are included in contingents their numbers should be strictly limited and they should be for definite camp duties only. The minimum age for participants in World Jamborees should ordinarily be 14 years.
  • 1935-16 Jamborees, OrganizationThe Conference recommends that the recommendations of the International Committee on the organization of World Jamborees be taken into consideration by the organizing countries as far as local conditions will allow. The recommendations as amended by the Conference and minus the paragraphs which have been included in these Resolutions, will be published in "Jamboree."
  • 1935-17 Jamborees, SalutingThe Conference decided that on formal parades, when marching past a saluting base, each nation should follow the custom of its own country as to lowering flags or not.
  • 1935-18 Conferences, DurationThe Conference decided that future International Conferences should be extended by one or more days, dependent on the length of the agenda, so as to allow additional time for discussions, particularly during the open session. [1]

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For hver enkelt verdenskonferanse i WOSM har det til tider vært diskusjoner i forkant og etterkant, om endringer og forslag. Mange vedtak og gjennomføringen av disse har gitt viktige veivalg for utviklingen i speidingen. Her skal forsøke å gjengi en del av dette. Se hvert enkelt Verdenskonferanser i WOSM. Har du flere opplysninger? Bidra selv, eller send oss en e-post [2]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
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