9. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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9. verdenskonferanse
Om konferansen
Arrangør: International Bureau
Sted: Haag
Land: Nederland
Deltagertall: 34 nasjoner
Dato 10.12. august 1937 [1]
Les mer om speidingen i Nederland Flagg Nederland.png

9. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Delegater og deltagerland

Det var 34 land på denne 9. verdenskonferanse i WOSM.

Norske minner

Saker og resolusjoner

Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 9. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

Note: Resolutions 1937-01 to 1937-07 are Resolutions of Thanks and Appreciation.
  • 1937-08 Alpine ClubThe Conference has received with much satisfaction the report from Major W. De Bonstetten on the progress of the Kandersteg Chalet and Scouts Alpine Club, and suggests that all Boy Scout associations shall cooperate in making available information as to the value of the Chalet and the Club for Scouting purposes, and that the various Scout associations continue the support which they are already giving for the advantage of the Chalet and Scouts Alpine Club.
  • 1937-09 Bronze WolfThe Conference records with great pleasure the acceptance of the first Bronze Wolf by Lord Baden-Powell, and the presentation of the Bronze Wolf, incident to the Conference, to Major W. de Bonstetten, Mr. Hubert Martin and Mr. J.S. Wilson.
  • 1937-10 Handicapped ScoutsThe Conference requests the International Bureau to collect special information from medical and Scout authorities with regard to Handicapped Scouts, which shall be made available to all Scout Associations. The Conference also requests that the International Bureau should take a suitable opportunity at an early date of putting the question before international conferences of medical authorities for the purpose of obtaining their co-operation, and offering to send to such conferences Scout authorities on Handicapped Scouts.
  • 1937-11 Jamborees/Moots, ProfitsThe Conference on the recommendation of the International Committee suggests that any substantial prof its on Jamborees or Moots should be shared between the host country and the International Bureau, in a proportion to be decided at the discretion of the host country; the share of the International Bureau to be used in promoting the Scout Movement.
  • 1937-12 Keynote ResolutionThe Conference recommends to all Scout Associations the contents of the paper as read by Mr. Tage Carstensen in regard to the question, "Is Scouting up to Date?" and impresses on them the importance of all Boy Scout Associations continuing to organise their Scouting on methods adhering to the ideas and ideals as given to the world by Lord Baden-Powell, its Founder.
  • 1937-13 Conference of Leaders in CubbingThe Conference accepts the invitation presented on behalf of Great Britain that it sponsor a Conference of Leaders in Cubbing some time during the summer of 1938 in accordance with plans as outlined in agreements reached at an informal group meeting of those interested in Cubbing and presented to the Conference.
  • 1937-14 Programme of International Scout ConferencesThe Conference received with much interest various suggestions presented as to how the programmes of future Conferences might be improved and refers all of these suggestions to the International Committee and the Director of the International Bureau for consideration in planning for the next Biennial Conference. The Conference received with favour the suggestion that the programme include Group sessions relating to the subjects of Scouting, Cubbing, Rovering and so forth, 'to be held incident to the next International Conference for the purpose of obtaining Group discussions and crystallising ideas for presentation to a full meeting of the Conference proper.
  • 1937-15 PatriotismThe Conference resolves that the International Committee be requested to do all that it can to ensure that Scouting and Rovering in all countries, while fostering true patriotism, are genuinely kept within the limits of international cooperation and friendship, irrespective of creed and race, as has always been outlined by the Chief Scout. Thus, any steps to the militarization of Scouting or the introduction of political aims, which might cause misunderstanding and thus handicap our work for peace and goodwill among nations and individuals should be entirely avoided in our programmes.
  • 1937-16 Political propagandaThe Conference upon the recommendation of the International Committee resolves that in view of Scout camp exhibits at this and previous Jamborees the International Bureau take steps to guard against exhibits at Jamborees of a political nature which might provoke brother Scouts from other parts of the world.
  • 1937-17 Auxiliary Camp for ScoutersThe Conference recommends that the plan as presented by Lord Hampton with regard to the establishment of an auxiliary camp for Scouters be referred to the International Bureau for study with the help of the various Scout Associations with a view to presenting a suggestion to the 1939 Conference when the necessary agreements relative to the next Jamboree will be made, if the host country is willing to undertake an experiment in connection with the next World Jamboree. The Conference reasserts, in regard to Resolution 1935-15 of the Stockholm Conference, that only Hoy Scouts with a due proportion of Scouters should be allowed in the Contingents.
  • 1937-18 International Medical Cooperation in the Scout MovementThe Conference commends the paper presented by Dr. J. Charvat on the subject of "International Medical Cooperation in the Scout Movement" and refers it to the International Committee for further study and such action as may seem advisable.
  • 1937-19 World Rover Moot and International Conference 1939The Conference offers thanks to the Boy Scouts of Great Britain for the invitation to hold the next World Rover Moot and International Conference in Scotland in 1939, an invitation which the Conference cordially accepts. The Conference also offers thanks to the Boy Scouts of Norway and Poland for their invitations, and also for their courtesy in making unanimous the final vote in favour of Scotland. The resolutions, each put to the Conference separately, were all carried nem. con. [1]

I 1933 og 1937 vedtok WOSM resolusjoner om at speiding ikke skulle blandes med poltikk, og heller ikke militariseres:

"Verdenskonferansen oppfordrer Verdenskomiteen til å sørge for at alt blir gjort for å sikre at Speiding og Rovering i alle land avholdes etter retningslinjene om internasjonalt samarbeid og vennskap, uavhengig av rase, slik det alltid er pekt på av Speidersjefen (Baden-Powell). Ethvert forsøk på å militarisere Speidingen, eller å forsøke å introdusere politiske mål [...] som vil vanskeliggjøre vårt arbeid for fred blandt nasjoner og personer skal unnvikes helt i vårt program." (Vår oversettelse, for engelsk tekst se referansen) [2]

Fra boka "Boy scouts in five continents" kan vi lese om 9. verdenskonferanse i WOSM:

It all began with a man camping on an island with twenty boys. That was in 1907, the man was Robert Baden-Powell, and the boys were the pioneer Boy Scouts. Thirty years later, when Baden-Powell had passed his eightieth birthday, he was speaking at the last International Conference he was to address. Looking back over the years, he said:
I want to remind you that all the steps in our history have been of automatic growth not merely the problems, but the steps in growth and development. For instance, you can remember that it was not I who urged Scouting to the boys. It was only suggested to me to write a book, and the boys took it up for themselves. I wrote a book for certain institutions for boys, but boys outside those institutions took up Scouting on their own account. It was an automatic growth. Then no propaganda was sent to foreign countries when we were busy with this Scouting at home, but within a very short time many countries took up Scouting, and now, before thirty years, countries over practically all the civilized world have taken up Scouting: another automatic growth. The whole thing is a natural growth, and therefore a natural movement and not an artificial organization made by rules and regulations. [3]

Valg og utnevninger

Til Wosms verdenskomitee ble følgende valgt:

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Veivalg og diskusjon

For hver enkelt verdenskonferanse i WOSM har det til tider vært diskusjoner i forkant og etterkant, om endringer og forslag. Mange vedtak og gjennomføringen av disse har gitt viktige veivalg for utviklingen i speidingen. Her skal forsøke å gjengi en del av dette. Se hvert enkelt Verdenskonferanser i WOSM. Har du flere opplysninger? Bidra selv, eller send oss en e-post [2]

Om internasjonalt samarbeid

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  • WOSM har egen hjemmeside: [3]


  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
  2. WOSM
  3. Boy scouts in five continents, International Bureau, 1954
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