Camp Flag 2011

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Camp Flag 2011
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Camp Flag 2011.JPG
Sted: Holmenkollen, Oslo
Land: Norge
Dato 2011
Den norske kontingenten
Les mer om speidingen i Oslo kommune og fylke Oslo fylkesvåpen.png

Camp Flag

Dette var Camp Flag 2011:

  • En leir i Holmenkollen, like i nærheten av skistadion og hoppbakken.
  • Et samarbeidsprosjekt med VM-arrangørene hvor vi tok ansvar for flaggheising/firing og et par andre små oppgaver under arrangementet.
  • Varte i to uker, fordelt på fire ’leirperioder’.

Omtale i omverdenen

  • Fra [1]:

Norwegian Scouts and Guides Hoisting Flags at Holmenkollen

By Rupert Schildböck On 7 March 2011

A record crowd of half a million enthusiastic fans followed the recent FIS Nordic World Ski Championships at Holmenkollen, the mythic mountain overlooking the Norwegian capital city of Oslo and right in the middle a group of proud Scouts and Guides. Throughout the tournament they had been in charge of hoisting and lowering the national flags of 57 competing countries on more than 100 flagpoles around Holmenkollen Stadium.

The Scouts and Guides stayed at Camp Flag with their tents right next to the newly designed ski jump arena. More than 200 young people participated in the event through the 12 days, proudly hoisting and lowering the ‘Union Jack’ and the ‘Dannebrog’, as well as all the other flags. In between the ceremonies, they cheered the skiers and ski jumpers.

The Nordic Scout and Guide Federation had happily accepted the host committee’s invitation to be in charge of the flags during the event, as this had presented an excellent opportunity for Scouts and Guides to be seen in public doing a fabulous job while at the same time offering the possibility to follow the championships from ‘back-stage’.

Nordic Skiing is the most popular winter sport in Norway and, together with the 200 Scouts and Guides, tens of thousands of volunteers form all over the country spent some of their annual holidays helping running this major sports event with many others providing an impressive background – both visual and acoustic – to exiting competitions.

Ukens artikkel

Camp Flag 2011 er presentert slik i ukens artikkel, uke 9, 2016 i Speiderhistorisk leksikon:

Uke 9, 2016

Camp Flag 2011, offisielt merke

Denne uken braker det løs med enda et VM i Holmenkollen igjen, denne gang for skiskytterne.

For fem år siden var 200 speidere og ledere med under Ski-VM, med flaggheising og andre gjøremål. De fikk en kjempeopplevelse og god mediedekning

Kanskje du har noen gode bilder eller historier rundt dette? Bidra du også! [2]

Les mer om Camp Flag her

Om Norges KFUK-KFUM-speidere

KM-speidernelogouten tekst.jpg Norges KFUK-KFUM-speidere

Om Norges speiderforbund

NSF logo kløverlilje.PNG Norges speiderforbund


Camp Flag hadde en egen hjemmeside: [3]


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