1. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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1. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: The Boy Scouts Association,
før International Bureau
Sted: London
Land: Flagg England.png England, Flagg Storbritannia.png Storbritannia
Deltagertall: 33 nasjoner
Dato 30. juli8. august 1920 [1]
Les mer om speidingen i England Flagg England.png

WOSMlogo.jpg Verdensforbundet WOSM

1. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Konferansen ble holdt i forkant med 1st World Scout Jamboree og speiderguttenes verdensorganisasjon ble først dannet i 1922 som The Boy Scouts International Bureau, ofte benevnt som International Bureau. I 1961 byttet de navn til The World Organization of the Scout Movement, ofte forkortet til WOSM.

Mange land og ledere så likevel nytten av å møtes for å bli enige om hovedtrekk innen speidingen og det ble besluttet å avholde en internasjonal konferanse annenhvert år. [2]

Olympia, 1920
The war of 1914-18 postponed the development of this "friendly alliance". The good relations were, of course, maintained and even strengthened during this period of common effort, but anything more formal was not practicable. The First World Jamboree of 1920 is a milestone in the history of Scouting, second in importance only to that first camp at Brownsea Island. It demonstrated on a large scale the value of the Movement as a link between countries. The original intention was that this should be a rally of the Boy Scouts of Great Britain, the Dominions and the Colonies. At Baden-Powell's own insistence, Scouts of other countries were invited; the response was far greater than he, or any one else, had expected. They came from twentyone countries, and the public realized for the first time that, almost unheralded, a new international movement had come into being. The Jamboree had a twofold importance; there was the remarkable demonstration of unity and loyalty when the Scouts acclairkted Baden-Powell as Chief Scout of the World. Less spectacular, but of equal significance for the future, was the coming together of the leaders of the contingents for the first time in conference. [3]

IB tidl merke.png 1959: Lederen av International Bureau John Skinner Wilson forteller om 1. verdenskonferanse i WOSM i sin bok "Scouting Round the World", 1959:

Fra "Scouting Round the World".
Scouting Round The World Wilson.jpg
On August 6th, 1920, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell was acclaimed Chief Scout of the World. This tribute was spontaneous, and not a part of the official programme. As the days passed, it became abundantly clear how strong a hold B.-P. had on the hearts and loyalties of the Scouts of all countries. Chief Scout of the World he remained until his death in 1941, an ever-increasing family giving him their allegiance and their affection. His Scout title lives with him still. World Scouting tacitly approved the International Committee's decision that to appoint or elect any other Chief Scout of the World was neither advisable nor feasible. Other results emerged from Olympia, where, in fact, International Scouting as such was born. This was no formal and public presentation. The leaders of the different national contingents came together from time to time and had informal talks about the international future of Scouting. It was decided to establish a Boy Scouts International Conference, to meet every two years, with a Committee to act between its meetings and an International Bureau to carry out the work of the Conference and Committee. All the countries represented at thc First Jamboree became Founder Members of the Conference, and were registered as such. On B.-P.'s nomination, Hubert S. Martin, the British International Commissioner, was appointed Honorary Director of the Bureau, an appointment he held with great distinction and self-sacrifice until his death in 1938. It was possible to set up the Bureau at once as a separate entity because Mr. F. F. Peabody, a well-wisher from the U.S.A., provided funds to see it through its first year. A room in British Scout Headquarters at 25 Buckingham Palace Road was leased, and a small staff engaged. One of the early members of the Bureau staff was a youngster. Richard T. Lund. now Deputy Director of the Boy Scouts International Burcau. who has served World Scouting faithfully and well for nigh on forty years. Mortimer L. Schiff and Dr. James E. West of the Boy Scouts of America were entrusted with thc drafting of a Constitution and Bye-Laws. It is a tribute to their understanding that their draft was accepted and remained in being for twenty-five years, until B.-P.'s death made some amendments necessary. As it is now set out: The purpose of the International Conference shall be through cooperation to promote throughout the world unity of purpose and common understanding in the fundamental principles of Scouting, as founded by the late Chief Scout of the World, Lord Baden-Powell. On this basis, too, it is decided whether any country's application to become a member of the Conference should be accepted. There is no need to set out the constitutional duties of the International Committee, which acts for the Conference between its biennial meetings, or of the Director of the Bureau, who is an ex officio member and its Secretary and Treasurer. Increasingly these duties have become more of an executive character, since world affairs have become more complicated, but in thc main they consist in giving advice and assistance to member countries, in providing more active help to those countries where Scouting is in its early stages or weak, and also in safeguarding the fundamental aims. principles and distinctive methods of the Boy Scout Movement.
John Skinner Wilson [4]

Delegater og deltagerland

Det var 33 ulike land på denne 1. verdenskonferanse i WOSM.

Norske minner

Fra spalten "Fra speiderchefen".
Norsk speiding 40 år-11.jpg
Speideren 10 1920 om verdenskonferansen HMG.png
Under Jamboreen isommer, da chefene for de forskjellige landes organisationer var samlet i London, blev der ogsaa holdt en speiderchefkonferanse for bl.a. at drøfte organiseringen av et internationalt samarbeide og de former hvorunder dette skulde utvikle sig. Av de vigtigste beslutninger som blev fattet var først beslutningen om oprettelse av et internationalt centralbureau for alle de f.t. anerkjendte organisationer. Det blev besluttet at bureauet skulde ha sit sæte i London som allerede var noget av et centrum og at alle de tilsluttede organisationer skulde bære utgiftene i forhold til organisationens størrelse. At et saadant centralbureau vil bidra overordentlig meget til at bringe de forskjellige landes speiderorganisationer i kontakt med hverandre og ogsaa paa mange andre maater være til uvurderlig nytte er indlysende, og Norsk Speidergutforbund har derfor selvfølgelig med glæde erklært sig villig til at bære sin andel av utgiftene. I brev fra London har jeg faat meddelelse om at bureauet allerede er oprettet og utgiftene for den første tid dækket ved en engelsk velynders gavmildhet. Som bureauets leder er ansat den bekjendte Mr. Hubert Martin, den mand som vel best av alle er skikket til at lede bureauet, og vi alle hilser ham hjertelig velkommen i stillingen. Han meddeler at bureauet (hvis navn er Boy Scouts International Bureau) har tænkt at utgi en „International Scout Journal" trykt paa engelsk, fransk, spansk og italiensk, og som skal utkomme 4 ganger om aaret. Prisen pr. nr. blir for os omkring 75 øre og jeg haaber at mange vil abonnere paa den — skriv til Forbundskontoret. (...)
H. Møller Gasmann. [5]

Saker og resolusjoner

Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 1. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

Note: This information is taken from a transcription published in 1957 “The Jamboree Story” of the history of the 1st World Scout Jamboree, 1920. Two International Meetings were held at the Jamboree with the following decisions recorded, these are not official resolutions.
  • 1920-01 International Scout Conference FrequencyIt was decided that a regular conference should be held biennially, and that the next should be in Paris in 1922.
  • 1920-02 International Bureau LocationIt was also recommended that an International Bureau should be established in London. This was made immediately possible by the generous financial support of Mr. F.F. Peabody of the United States of America; his encouragement was further strengthened by another American, Mr. Mortimer Schiff. The administrative and driving force was provided by Mr. Hubert S. Martin, C.V.O., C.B.E., who for eighteen years served as the Honorary Director of the Boy Scouts International Bureau. [1]

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For hver enkelt verdenskonferanse i WOSM har det til tider vært diskusjoner i forkant og etterkant, om endringer og forslag. Mange vedtak og gjennomføringen av disse har gitt viktige veivalg for utviklingen i speidingen. Her skal forsøke å gjengi en del av dette. Se hvert enkelt Verdenskonferanser i WOSM. Har du flere opplysninger? Bidra selv, eller send oss en e-post [3]

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