19. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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19. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: WOSMlogo.jpg WOSM
Sted: Rhodos
Land: Flagg Hellas.png Hellas
Deltagertall: 52 nasjoner
Dato 12.19. august 1963 [1]

19. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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52 nasjoner.

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WOSMlogo.jpg Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 19. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

  • 1963-01 Relationships, United NationsConsidering the importance of a friendly and active relationship with international organizations both governmental and non-Governmental, and in particular with U.N.O and U.N.E.S.C.O. The Conference offers its thanks for the spirit of cooperation which these organizations have shown in the past and its hope of seeing these relations continued and strengthened in the future.
  • 1963-02 Relationships, Red CrossThe Conference places on record its unbounded admiration of the outstanding humanitarian work which the Red Cross has carried out in all parts of the world since its foundation one hundred years ago; expresses its deep appreciation to those selfless workers who have devoted their lives to the relief of suffering; shares the ideals and motives which have inspired them; urges all Member Associations to increase their efforts to strengthen cooperation at the local level with the Red Cross, so that maximum benefits for the youth of the world may be achieved.
  • 1963-03 Mourning of His Holiness Pope John XXIIIJoins with peoples of every nation and faith in mourning the death of His Holiness Pope John XXIII, who by his personal example and the inspiration he gave contributed so greatly towards world peace and understanding.
  • 1963-04 Sympathy for Boy Scouts of the Philippines and families of boys in the tragic aircraft accidentExtends its most sincere sympathy to the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and to the families of the boys involved in the tragic aircraft accident on their way to the Jamboree. Joins in the mourning of the 14,000 Scouts at Marathon for the loss of their 26 brothers. Commends the spirit and courage of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and the parents of the three boys subsequently sent to represent their country.
  • 1963-05 Procedure, Control of Inter-Country AidThe Conference cordially approves the many instances of help given to other countries in times of national disaster, famine, earthquake, etc., and considers this practice as being in the true spirit of the Scout Law. Considers it desirable that such help, whether financial or material, should be notified to the national Scout headquarters concerned. Any appeal for help issued by a national Scout association shall be notified to the World Bureau.
  • 1963-06 Development FundsWelcomes the proposal to institute a World Scout Friendship Day in order to emphasize the international aspects of Scouting and to give an opportunity to all Members of the Movement to share in a co-operative effort to make Scouting available to an ever increasing number of boys throughout the world. Recommends that on this day each and every Scout be urged to contribute a token amount towards a World Friendship Day Fund. Instructs the World Committee to use amounts thus collected for development projects only and to account for such funds annually in a special statement. (Re-affirmed 1969-06). Considers it desirable that advance information of projects planned be made available to Member Associations.
  • 1963-07 ExpansionThe Conference welcomes the proposals of the World Committee to secure increased Scouting membership, especially in those countries having ample scope for expansion. Urges all these countries to participate fully in this drive to bring Scouting to many more boys.
  • 1963-08 RegionsThe Conference records the favourable results obtained in the various parts of the world, as a result of the continued efforts of Regional Conferences and their Executive Committees. Underlines the importance of this regional action and the need to increase the means put at the disposal of these organizations.
  • 1963-09 RegistrationsWelcomes the recognition and registration accorded since the last meeting to: Effective 10th March, 1962 - Asociacion de Scouts de Paraguay Effective 12th March, 1963 - Bureau du Scoutisme Congolais(12.3.63) - College du Scoutisme du Senegal - Tanganyika Boy Scouts Association Effective 30th April, 1963 - The Boy Scouts Association of Jamaica Is pleased to accord recognition and registration to: Effective 13th August, 1963 - Scouts Musulmans Algeriens - Saudi Arabian Boy Scouts Association - Boy Scouts Association of Trinidad and Tobago and extends to all these Associations its cordial good wishes.
  • 1963-10 Development of MovementConsidering the urgent need to expand Scouting for the benefit of more boys in countries which have recently achieved independence. The Conference presents a warm recognition to those Member Associations who are already giving their support in this field. Calls all Member Associations to offer their help in some way to those Scout associations which are in the development stage. Expresses confidence in the efforts carried out in these countries for enlargement of our world brotherhood.
  • 1963-11 Badge of the International Committee and BureauResolves that Resolution 1961-13 shall be amended by deleting the words 'and flag' so as to read "the official badge of the World Committee and Bureau shall be a fleur-de-lis surrounded by two concentric circles containing the words 'Asia, America, Europe, Africa, Australasia', the whole to be in white on a field of purple."
  • 1963-12 Jamboree-On-The-Air (Radio)The Conference notes with satisfaction the increasing popularity of the “Jamboree-on-the Air” and recommends its members to encourage even greater participation in this annual event as a means of promoting world friendship and the world brotherhood and as an introduction to the field of electronics.
  • 1963-13 Jamborees, OrganizationThe Conference welcomes the novel experiment of having an international staff to help in the preparation and conduct of the 11th World Jamboree, and suggests that it may be considered for the conduct of future Jamborees. It warmly approves the provision of a full programme of activities for the Scouts participating which was so popular and successful, and expresses the strong wish that all future World Jamborees should provide a program of activities on similar lines.
  • 1963-14 MootsThe Conference accepts the recommendations of the World Committee that: a) In place of World Rover Moots, 1965 be declared a "Rover Moot year”. b) That it shall be open to any region or area to organize a Rover Moot within that year. c) That such area Moots shall be primarily for members of the Movement of the age group 17-23 within that area. d) Details of all Moots shall be advertized to all member countries in advance, so that any member of this age group wishing to do so may participate in any of these Moots, e.g. A student or young technician working abroad who would like to attend the Moot nearest to his place of work. And requests the World Bureau to coordinate plans for all Rover Moots to be held under this scheme.
  • 1963-15 World Conferences and World JamboreeOffers its sincere thanks to those Members who submitted invitations for the 20th and 21st World Conferences and the 12th World Jamboree, and accepts with pleasure the invitation of: - Mexico for the 20th World Conference in 1965 - United States of America for the 12th World Jamboree and the 21st World Conference in 1967
  • 1963-16 World Events – Political PropagandaConsidering that during recent international Scout gatherings there was evidence of political and military propaganda being distributed or exhibited, reminds all its Members that such action is not in accordance with Resolution 1924-16: "This Conference re-asserts and emphasises the non-military character of the Boy Scout Movement. The aims and ideals of the Movement are directed towards the development of a spirit of harmony and goodwill between individuals and between nations." and Resolution 1933-15: "This Conference again invites attention to the fact that political propaganda of any character, direct or indirect, national or international, must not be permitted in any camp or Scout gathering in which representatives of other nations are invited to participate."
  • 1963-17 Biennial ReportHaving noted with interest the Biennial Report proposes: 1) that the next Reports should rather take the form of a general overall report; 2) consequently, more stress should be put on the efforts, research work and experiments in the educational field and should more clearly show the wish for renewing and deepening the Scouting Movement in the world. 3) That "World Scouting” should be used as a means whereby Member Associations can supply information on such experiments. 4) That the despatch of working documents and research by the World Bureau be intensified.
  • 1963-18 Publications, TranslationThe Conference resolves that in the event of disagreement between the English and other texts of any Conference, Committee or Bureau paper, publication or other written material, the English text shall be considered the original and authentic version.
  • 1963-19 Registration FeesThe Conference accepts the recommendation of the World Committee that there shall be no increase in the rate of Annual Registration Fee, and confirms that the fee for the years 1963 and 1964 shall be at the rate of $20.00 (U.S. currency) per 1,000 uniformed members for a full year and pro rate for shorter periods.
  • 1963-20 Registration Fees – Boy Scouts of AmericaAccepts with gratitude the generous offer of the Boy Scouts of America to waive the existing mutual agreement limiting their annual registration fee to 49% of the total, so that they may pay their full share in proportion to their Scout population. Registers its sincere thanks for this expression of the true spirit of World Brotherhood.
  • 1963-21 Finance, Registration FeesThe Conference notes with regret the number of associations failing to pay their annual registration fees within a reasonable time, and requests all associations to pay this as soon as possible after 1st October and in any case not later than 1st April.
  • 1963-22 Constitution, Registration FeesConfirms the interim ruling of the World Committee regarding Article VII, section vii, of the Constitution and RESOLVES that this section shall read - "Any Member Organisation which shall have failed to pay its Annual Registration Fee (Article XV) up to and including the fiscal period ending in the year prior to the Conference, shall forfeit its right to vote at that meeting of the Conference, unless remission or postponement of dues has received prior authorisation from the World Committee."
  • 1963-23 Publications, CopyrightThe Conference acclaims the gesture of the Boy Scouts of Canada in making available to the World Bureau the publication rights of their books, etc. Outside the territorial limits of Canada, for the benefit of all members of the Conference and requests other Member Associations to consider similar action.
  • 1963-24 Keynote ResolutionThe Conference reaffirms its faith in the fundamental principles of Scouting and is convinced that they continue to keep their full value in the world of today. - Nevertheless, registers its deep concern over the necessity of keeping the Scout programme up-to-date. - Notes with satisfaction the positive results obtained from suggestions put forward in Rhodes. - Urges Member Associations to re-examine their methods along these lines in order to make Scouting reflect the interests of boys of today and prepare them to take their place as the men of tomorrow. Further inspired by the theme of the Jamboree to "Scout Higher and Wider” and with ever deeper understanding and appreciation of our fundamentals, Scouting will continue to improve throughout the world for the benefit of the boys we wish to serve. [1]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
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