33. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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33. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: WOSMlogo.jpg WOSM
Sted: Sattahip
Land: Flagg Thailand.png Thailand
Deltagertall: 99 nasjoner
Dato 19.23. juli 1993 [1]

33. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Delegater og deltagerland

99 nasjoner.

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Saker og resolusjoner

WOSMlogo.jpg Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 33. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

  • 1993-01 Registration of Member OrganizationsThe Conference - records with pleasure the admission of the following members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement: Effective 15January 1993 - The Scout Association of Kiribati Effective 15 July 1993 - The Scout Association of St. Lucia Effective 19July 1993 - The Scout Association of Croatia - The National Scout Organization of Romania To become effective when its constitution bas been ratified by its Assembly - The Latvian Scout and Guide Central Organization
  • 1993-02 Policy on Involvement of Young Members in Decision-MakingThe Conference - recognizing the fundamental importance, in terms of achieving the purpose of the Scout Movement, of involving young members in decision-making - considering that Scouting is not only a Movement for young people but also a Movement of young people - believing that Scouting is a Movement based on democratic principles - recognizing the value to the individuals concerned and to the Movement as a whole of leadership opportunities for young members - noting with pleasure the successes achieved by the 4th World Youth Forum in Australia (1990/91) and the 5th World Youth Forum in Switzerland (1992) - welcoming the World Committee's decision to encourage participation of young delegates in the 33rd World Scout Conference by offering a reduced Conference fee - encouraged by the results of youth participation in the efforts of the World Scout Environment Network - adopts the Policy on Involvement of Young Members in Decision-Making - recognizes this new policy as an important contribution towards further strengthening the implementation of the World Programme Policy adopted by the 32nd World Scout Conference in 1990 - strongly urges National Scout Organizations to implement the policy at all levels within their own associations - requests the World Committee to consider all means by which the policy may be implemented within the World Organization at regional and world levels.
  • 1993-03 Registration FeesThe Conference - recognizing that the present fee system has become inequitable to a large number of Member Organizations, and that World Scouting needs stable and sufficient resources to carry out its Constitutional duties 2) requests the World Scout Committee to: a) review the existing system and develop a more equitable one on the basis of the recommendations of the "Registration Fee Task force" which it has created for this purpose, the proposed new system should guarantee to produce the total amount of fees as is due today, increased at an annual rate to cover inflation b) propose a new system for adoption at the 5th World Scout Conference in Oslo, Norway, in 1996, to become operational for WOSM's 1996-1997 fiscal year 3) decides that: a) in order to match inflation, the basic fee rate of the present registration fee system be increased by SFr 0.02 each year until the 34th World Scout Conference, thus becoming: - SFr 0.50 for 1993-1994 fiscal year, i.e. an increase of 4.2% over 1992-1993 - SFr 0.52 for 1994-1995 fiscal year, i.e. an increase of 4% over 1993-1994 - SFr 0.54 for 1995-1996 fiscal year, i.e. an increase of 3.8% over 1994-199S b) the GNP per capita base line of US$300 (the base line under, which a Member Organization pays a flat fee of SFr 300) be increased to US$350 4) requests all Member Organizations to continue to strive to pay the registration fees which are due under the present system until such time as a new system is adopted, hopefully in Oslo in 1996 5) encourages Member Organizations in wealthier countries to assist less privileged Member Organizations which presently find it impossible to pay all of their membership fees.
  • 1993-04 Adults in ScoutingThe Conference - having recognized the need for an overall policy for adults at all levels and in all functions in Scouting - having adopted the principles of “Adults in Scouting” as applying to all adult resources in the Scout Movement - welcomes the work done by the World Scout Committee on the development of a policy in implementation of Resolution 1990-05 - adopts the World Adult Resources Policy statement as representing WOSM’s policy on the acquisition, training and personal development, and management of adult resources within the Scout Movement - resolves that the policies and procedures on Adult Leader Training as established by previous resolutions are now modified by the adoption of the provisions of the World Adult Resources Policy - requests the World Committee to take the necessary steps to ensure the full implementation of the provisions of the World Adult Resources Policy - invites National Scout Organizations to implement the provisions of the World Adult Resources Policy.
  • 1993-05 Strategy for ScoutingThe Conference - noting with pleasure the excellent progress made in the implementation of the Strategy for Scouting and the five WOSM priorities - expresses its great satisfaction that the Strategy for Scouting bas become the general framework for the activities of WOSM at all levels and the driving force towards 2002 - requests the World Committee co pursue its implementation of the work on the Strategy at all levels of WOSM and report thereon CO the next World Conference - urges National Scout Organizations to continue to assist the World Committee in the implementation of the Strategy as well as to pursue the development of strategies at their own level.
  • 1993-06 CoeducationThe Conference - considering the importance of equal opportunities for girls and boys, women and men - encourages national Scout associations which offer their programmes to both boys and girls, young men and young women, to ensure that these programmes are designed specifically to reflect a truly coeducational process - encourages these national Scout associations to also ensure that adult leader training opportunities reflect the association's coeducational purpose, process and programme - asks the World Committee, through the World Programme Committee, to support national associations in the above.
  • 1993-07 Young Adult MembersThe Conference - considering the adoption of the Policy on Involvement of Young Members in Decision-Making by this Conference - recognizing the valuable contributions made by young adults to this Conference and the World Programme Committee - welcoming the reduced fee facility that has assisted young adults' participation in this Conference - requests the World Committee to continue the principle of a reduced Conference fee for young adults at future World Conferences - requests the World Committee to continue to devise ways in which young adults can participate in policy formation and decision-making at world level.
  • 1993-08 Adults in Scouting: Equal OpportunitiesThe Conference - considering the adoption by this Conference of the World Adult Resources Policy - considering that WOSM is an organization open to men and women, boys and girls - considering the importance of equal opportunities for men and women - requests the World Committee and those National Scout Organizations which have female members to ensure equal opportunities for both sexes as an important element in the implementation of the World Adult Resources Policy.
  • 1993-09 Needs of Young People in Their CommunityThe Conference - considering the adoption of the World Programme Policy by the 32nd World Scout Conference - recognizing the adoption by the present Conference of the resolution on the participation of young members in decision-making as a useful step in the implementation of this policy - wishing to continue with the implementation of the World Programme Policy at all levels of the Organization - considering the rapid and continuous change in the world and in the realities with which young people are confronted - considering the need to propose to boys and girls, young men and young women, a form of Scouting which remains faithful to the fundamental principles and which is constantly adapted to the needs and aspirations of young people and to the social and cultural realities of their community - aware of the importance of offering young people the possibility to be truly involved in their community in order to better prepare them to meet the challenges of society - encourages each National Scout Association to give a higher priority to the constant identification of the needs of young people in their community and the continuous adaptation of the Youth Programme to these realities, and to favour the participation of young people themselves in this fundamental task - requests the World Committee and the World Bureau to give equally high priority to the development of procedures and tools which will be useful to National Scout Associations in carrying out this priority and to offer them real support in this area.
  • 1993-10 Youth ForumsThe Conference- considering the adoption of the Policy on Involvement of Young Members in DecisionMaking by this Conference - believing that Youth Forums constitute one useful method to complement genuine participation by young people in decision-making at all levels - recognizing that Youth Forums in Scouting provide a dual opportunity for young members to discuss issues of interest to them and to make recommendations on these; and to learn the skills necessary to enable them to take part in decision-making in the Movement - believing that Youth Forums should be linked closely, as advisory bodies, to the formal decision-making processes of the Movement - recommends that Youth Forums be held in conjunction with all statutory meetings such as national general assemblies, regional and world conferences; that these Youth Forums make recommendations to and advise the statutory meetings and other decision-making bodies; and that Youth Forum delegates also participate in these statutory meetings as delegates or observers - recommends that delegates to Youth Forums should be selected by democratic means and receive necessary logistical and material support from their association - resolves that future World Youth Forums should be held immediately prior to each future World Scout Conference and that delegates to these events should be between the ages of 18 and 26 - directs the World Committee to establish as soon as possible the necessary procedures and guidelines for future World Youth Forums - recommends that World Youth Forums should be organized on the same basis as World Scout Conferences, with the World Committee ultimately responsible for agenda and procedures of the World Youth Forum and with a Host Committee responsible for facilities and support services - encourages the World Committee and the Host Committee to delegate to young members the planning, organizing and running of such events - directs the World Committee to devote the necessary human, financial and material resources, similar to those accorded to other world events such as World Conferences, to ensure the success of future World Youth Forums - requests the five Regional Scout Committees to organize Regional Youth Forums prior to each future Regional Scout Conference, beginning with Regional Conferences in 1995, along the same lines as World Youth Forums - encourages National Scout Associations to organize Youth Forums along similar lines in conjunction with statutory meetings (for example, general assemblies) at national and local levels.
  • 1993-11 Scouting for Nature and EnvironmentThe Conference - cognizant of the increasing importance of environmental education and action to help create a sustainable world - recognizing the essential relationship between environment and development for the improvement in quality of life - reaffirms the fundamental role of nature and the environment in Scouting, as expressed in the Principles and Method in the Constitution of the World Organization of the Scout Movement - accepts as a basic definition to guide the Movement in its work the statement “Environmental Education in Scouting is the development, through the Scout method, of knowledge, skills and attitudes leading to action to improve and sustain the quality of all life on earth” - commends the World Committee on its efforts to strengthen this environmental dimension of Scouting, not only in terms of what Scouting can do for the environment but also in helping to make Scouting a more credible, relevant and effective force in the education of young people including the spiritual dimension - endorses the aim, principles, content and methods of the special three-year Scouting for Nature and Environment programme developed by the World Organization - welcomes the initiative taken by young members in building the World Scout Environment Network, commends the Network's commitment to addressing the relationship between environment and development, and urges the Network to develop further productive ties among Scouts around the world - welcomes the development of a network of Scout Centres of Excellence for Nature and Environment to strengthen the role of nature and environment in Scouting - welcomes the tools produced by the World Organization to assist National Associations in developing education through nature and environment, learning about nature and environment, and action for nature and environment - requests the World Committee and World Bureau, and National Scout Associations, to make every effort to find and devote the necessary human and material resources to pursue the implementation strategy for the Scouting for Nature and Environment programme - urges National Scout Associations to participate fully in and build upon initiatives and activities organized under the Scouting for Nature and Environment programme, in particular through the integration of relevant activities and approaches into their youth programme.
  • 1993-12 Action for the EnvironmentThe Conference - considering Scouting's concern for the environment as expressed in the debate on Scouting for Nature and Environment - considering that action in this field is best promoted through example - calls on National Scout Organizations, the World Committee and the World Bureau to examine their methods of operation and management to reduce their use of consumable materials, increase the use of recyclable materials and avoid using materials harmful to the environment.
  • 1993-13 Intercultural EducationThe Conference - concerned by the development of disturbing phenomena, such as the upsurge of intolerance, nationalism, racism and social exclusion, in many parts of the world, which increasingly result in acts of violence and even armed conflict - recalling that Scouting is an educational Movement open to all without distinction of origin, race or religion, and based on the principle of the promotion of local, national and international peace, understanding and cooperation - reaffirms that Scouting has a crucial role to play in the fight against these disturbing phenomena through the education of its members in mutual understanding, tolerance and the search for justice between individuals and communities - earnestly invites National Scout Associations to: review their youth programme in order to reinforce the dimension of intercultural education; make their association even more open to all individuals and all communities without exception, in the spirit of the right to equality with the respect of differences; and to direct the necessary adult resources and means towards these objectives - requests National Scout Associations hosting any international or world event to strengthen the programme of these gatherings in the area of intercultural education - asks the World Committee and the World Bureau to increase their support to National Scout Associations to help them to act in this direction.
  • 1993-14 Solidarity and PartnershipThe Conference - recalling the numerous resolutions adopted by the 32nd World Scout Conference on the subject of solidarity and partnership - welcoming the resolution on fees adopted by the present Conference as falling within the same spirit - stresses, however, that solidarity and partnership are not only a matter of financial support but that they should be part of the educational mission of our Movement, as a contribution to the respect of the dignity of children and young people, women and men - invites National Scout Associations to strengthen this dimension of education for solidarity and partnership within their youth programme - invites National Scout Associations to translate solidarity and partnership into concrete action such as support to re-emerging associations, timely aid to areas which are victims of natural disasters or armed conflict, participation in long-term development programmes in cooperation with other organizations or agencies, the establishment of bilateral or multilateral partnerships with other Scout Associations or youth exchange programmes - encourages particularly National Scout Associations to orientate their action towards multilateral partnership projects proposed or supported by the World Scout Bureau including its regional offices, thereby avoiding any dependency - requests the World Committee to make better known the achievements already accomplished in this field and to promote this kind of action.
  • 1993-15 AIDS PreventionThe Conference - recognizing the dangers and fatal effects of AIDS - noting that many of those infected are in the age range served by Scouting and that the pandemic has left no continent untouched - commends the efforts undertaken by many National Scout Organizations around the world which are involved in national programmes against AIDS - expresses its appreciation to our partner organizations for the close cooperation between the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the World Health Organization's Global Programme on AIDS and the World Organization of the Scout Movement - urges all National Scout Organizations to promote activities related to AIDS information and education, which can lead to changing attitudes and behaviour that are vital in fighting against the disease - urges National Scout Organizations to seek community commitment not only in the care and support of people with HIV/AIDS, but also in preventing the spread of HIV infection - appeals to National Scout Organizations to actively participate at national and local levels in World AIDS Day which is held on 1 December of each year.
  • 1993-16 Substance Use and AbuseThe Conference - taking into consideration that, according to the United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO), hundreds of thousands of lives are lost every year due to use and abuse of various substances such as tobacco, alcohol and other drugs - noting that, today, all countries around the world are affected and people from all sectors of society should feel concerned - deploring, in particular, that most of those who are affected are young people, and that members of Scout Associations are not excluded - believing that Scouts with their leaders, acting as health educators and health workers in their communities, can do much to discourage the use and abuse of various substances and assist in changing attitudes - welcomes the measures taken by some National Scout Organizations and notes with satisfaction the cooperation of WOSM with UNICEF and WHO in promoting healthy life styles; and appreciates the recognition offered by WHO for the efforts already undertaken by many Scout Organizations around the world in this field - recommends to National Scout Organizations to develop dynamic action plans to educate against substance use and abuse - invites National Scout Organizations to be actively involved in initiatives undertaken within their own countries.
  • 1993-17 Child LabourThe Conference - noting that the exploitation of child labour continues to be a problem of enormous dimensions throughout the world and that the number of children working increases year by year, exposing them to physical, intellectual and emotional damage - considering the importance that the World Organization attaches to children's rights as described in the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child - mindful that the protection of children and young people is a central objective of the International Labour Organization (ILO), in particular through its International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) - recommends to National Scout Organizations to play an active role in raising awareness of the worldwide problem of the exploitation of child labour and to develop their own creative means to help improve the current situation - encourages the World Committee to strengthen cooperation with ILO for the mutual benefit of both organizations - recommends to National Scout Organizations in countries where ILO field representatives are based to contact them to investigate possibilities for joint approaches to this problem.
  • 1993-18 Voluntary Contribution 1995 and 1996The Conference - welcoming the adoption by this Conference of the resolution on Registration Fee System believing that it is too long to wait until the next World Conference in 1996 before taking concrete action - wishing to respond to the immediate needs described by the World Committee in Conference Document No. 6 - encourages all Member Organizations, in countries having a GNP per capita exceeding US$5,000, to pay in each of the fiscal years 1994/95 and 1995/96 a minimum voluntary contribution of Sfr 0.02 per member to the World Organization, specifically to assist those countries which are unable to pay their registration fees.
  • 1993-19 Participation in World Scouting BodiesThe Conference - considering the need for high quality participation and balance of representation in meetings of committees of the World Organization - recognizing the financial implications for National Scout Organizations and mindful of WOSM's financial situation - requests the World Committee to examine and determine opportunities in which financial support for travel and related costs may be extended to those attending meetings of world committees.
  • 1993-20 Invitations to Host World EventsThe Conference - recalling that the 32nd World Scout Conference adopted a resolution calling for Youth Programme principles to be reflected in international youth events such as World Jamborees and World Moots - believing that such events should contribute to achieving Scouting's educational purpose - noting with pleasure the success of the first Global Development Village held at the World Scout Jamboree in Korea - recalling that the motto of the Rover section was traditionally “Service” and wishing to see this special dimension strengthened - noting the continued importance of community involvement (community service, community development, development education and development cooperation) within the Movement - welcoming the first World Community Development Camp to be held shortly in Indonesia - recognizing the importance of such events reflecting a positive image of the Movement both externally and internally - requests National Scout Organizations extending invitations to host future World Jamborees, World Moots and similar events to include, in their invitation, information concerning the educational objectives of the event and how the activities proposed will relate to these objectives - encourages the host organization of future World Jamborees to strengthen even further the educational dimension of these events - requests the World Committee to draw up a new statement of purpose for World Moots placing a particular emphasis on community involvement.
  • 1993-21 Community Development CampsThe Conference - considering that, at a Community Development Camp (COMDECA), young people develop their capacity to carry out a solidarity-oriented service activity in the community and to work by respecting the needs and the involvement of that community - considering that participation in a COMDECA contributes to the development of the personality of the young people and of the community which welcomes them - decides that the World COMDECA should be evaluated after the first camp in Indonesia, in order to examine the possibility of transforming it into a World Event - recommends that National Scout Associations include community development activities in their yearly programme - recommends that the five Regions, based on the evaluation of the first COMDECA, examine the possibility of organizing regional COMDECAs.
  • 1993-22 50th Anniversary of the United NationsThe Conference - noting that the United Nations will celebrate in October 1995 fifty years of dedicated service to the peoples of the world - recognizing that the United Nations has provided leadership and support through its multiple activities and programmes, thus improving conditions of health, security, peace education, economic growth, community development and humanitarian relief - extends its deep and warm-hearted congratulations - values highly its close association with the United Nations in many of its fields of endeavour - recommends that WOSM takes the necessary steps to strengthen its relationships with the United Nations.
  • 1993-23 Annual Report to World Scout BureauThe Conference - reminds all National Scout Organizations that, as required by Article V of the Constitution of the World Organization of the Scout Movement and recalled in Resolution 1955-14, they are required to submit an annual report to the World Scout Bureau - commends the World Bureau for its initiative in consolidating into one “annual report form” various requests for information previously sent separately to Member Associations and for its proposal that this form, accompanied by a copy of the published annual report of the association, should be the annual report required by the Constitution.
  • 1993-24 World Conference Working MethodsThe Conference - recalling the requests made by previous Conferences to involve all participants more actively during the Conference by using a greater variety of working methods - welcomes the new ways of work in this Conference such as those used in the sessions on Youth Programme and Scouting for Nature and Environment and suggests to the World Committee to continue these approaches - requests the World Committee to create even more opportunities for Conference participants to be involved in a more active and imaginative way.
  • 1993-25 World CommitteeThe Conference - considering that Scouting is not only a movement for young people but also a movement of young people - fully supporting the view of a movement where young people are encouraged to be part of the decision-making bodies - noting the important commitment required of members of the World Committee - believing that such persons should be perceived as representatives of a dynamic youth movement - requests the World Committee to outline a job specification and suggested profile to assist National Scout Organizations in the nomination of candidates for the World Committee - urges National Scout Organizations to consider presenting younger candidates for future World Scout Committee elections, using this job specification and profile. [1]

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