4. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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4. verdenskonferanse
Om konferansen
Arrangør: International Bureau
Sted: Kandersteg
Land: Flagg Sveits.png Sveits
Deltagertall: 32 (29) nasjoner
Dato 22.28. august 1926 [1]
Program for 4. verdenskonferanse i WOSM [2]

4. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Delegater og deltagerland

Det var 32 (29) land på denne 4. verdenskonferanse i WOSM. [3]

Flagg Norge.png Norge var representert ved Norsk Speidergutt-Forbund og deltok med speiderchef Hans Møller Gasmann, vicespeiderchef Ragnvald Iversen, forbundssekretær Erik Rasmussen og troppsfører Thorvald Langaard. [3]

Deltagende nasjoner

Hånd stopp.jpg Noen nasjoner, selvstyrte områder og tidl. kolonistater har byttet navn i dag, men er skrevet som i 1926, mer om hver enkelt ved å følge blå ledetekst. [2] [3]



Norske minner

Flagg Norge.png Hans Møller Gasmann holdt en tale til den fjerde verdenskonferansen i 1926 om diplomer fremfor annen premiering og pokaljegere, gjengitt i Lederen [4]:

1928 HMG buemerke 001.jpg :Angående den annen del av mitt foredrag om hvad konkurrerer speidere der har jeg tenkt å være ganske kort. La oss med engang komme bort fra begre, sølvpokaler, medaljer denslags. De er kostbare og har intet med speiding å gjøre, og som fortæller de intet om den konkurransen i hvilken de er vunnet. Vi har på vårt norske Hovedkontor en liten samling av slike trofeer. Jeg er redd for at når de menn som nu findes ved Hovedkontoret er borte derfra, så vil disse trofeer bli der og fortelle de kommende menn: Ingenting. Jeg må dog her gjøre en undtagelse. Vi har på en av veggen vårt Hovedkontor en meget verdifull premie - enda den ikke er kostbar og den fortæller alt. Det er en flat, firkantet treplate, rødmalt og forsynt med hodet og benene av en skildpadde og der er malt nogen ord på platen, og disse ord forteller at dette er ”Den utholdende skildpadde“ som gitt til vinneren av Forhindringsløpet ved jamboreen i London i 1920, dette er undertegnet med vår kjære verdenschefs egenhendige underskrift. Men som regel forteller slike premier ingen verdens ting, og der ingen grunn for at vi ikke skulle se å komme vekk fra dem. Vi konkurerer for sportens egen skyld og for moroen ved konkurransen, ikke for å få en belønning for det. Vi ønsker ikke å opdra "Pokaljegere". Jeg skulde derfor være tilbøielig til å foreslå at der istedefor premier blir utdelt diplomer - og da helst av i fastsatt type. Men hvem er da i virkeligheten den rette vinner hvem diplomet bør bli gitt? La mig først i en parentes si at jeg synes at alle speidere som hører til samme land bør danne en gruppe i Jamboreene - og ikke som det til nu har vaert skikk, speidere har vært delt i én gruppe som danner det konkurrerende, det offisielle og en gruppe som er uoffisiel. Nei, alle speidere fra samme land er og blandt disse alle velger så den ene fører, lederern så de skal konkurrere og ikke bare blandt det offisielle hold, som så har hele arbeidet mens de andre får al moroen. Men dette er dog en sak underordnet betydning når der er tale om hvem som er den virkelige vinner av diplomet. Efter min mening er det ikke den enkelte gutt, ikke det konkurrerende hold som bør få diplomet, men landet underhvis fane de kjemper, og derfor foreslår jeg at diplomet blir gitt til landet, eller til det forbund som holdet tilhører. Man kunde så kanskje gi et duplikat til de seirendee speidere. Hvis premiene blir gitt på denne måte som diplomer vil man opnå først at de forteller alt som behøves om den konkurranse som det er vunnet i, dernæst vil de ikke forsvinne med den seirende speider, men forbli og pryde veggen i Hovedkonoret hvor de fleste speidere vil kunne se dem og lære dem å kjenne. Ved å bruke diplomer vil vi også komme bort fra de dyre og tomme premier, og speiderne vil bli foregangsmenn på dette område som på så mange andre.

Dixi et aninam meam liberavi - Jeg har talt og lettet mitt sinn! Hans Møller Gasmann [4]

Saker og resolusjoner

Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 4. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

Note: Resolutions 1926-01 to 1926-10 are Resolutions of Thanks and Appreciation.
  • 1926-11 Jamborees, CompetitionThe Conference recommends to the International Bureau that in planning for future Jamborees the programme be based on Scouting activities under conditions where competitions are reduced to a minimum and emphasis be placed on all-round Scout efficiency, where there is an opportunity to demonstrate Scout training. Further, that in all events of a competitive nature involving physical strain, participation be limited to those specially trained for such events, and who are proven to be physically fit after suitable physical examination just prior to the event. And further, that awards be limited to simple symbols of Scouting, and that, hereafter, no international championship awards be made.
  • 1926-12 RegistrationThat the Exploradores Nacionales de la Republica Mexicana (Boy Scouts Association of Mexico) be forthwith recognised and registered with the International Bureau.
  • 1926-13 Conferences, Preliminary PapersThe Conference requests that at future International Scout Conferences the text of reports be submitted, with translations, before the sessions. This would permit a study of questions before discussion, and would render many improvised translations unnecessary and thereby save time.
  • 1926-14 Changes to Scout Promise and LawThe conference resolves that it is the duty of any Association registered with the International Bureau to notify the Bureau in the event of that Association having made, or intending to make, any modification in the Scout Promise, Scout Law, or in any other regulation embodying the essential principles of Scouting.
  • 1926-15 MinoritiesThe Conference earnestly exhorts the national Boy Scout associations in countries where there are minorities, to give those minorities the right to form Scout troops, which, while belonging to the national association and subject to their statutes, have the right to use their own language in their inner life and to nominate their own Scoutmasters and leaders, who, however, must be citizens of the state. The Conference further resolves that in its opinion any difficulty concerning Scouts belonging to a nationality in minority in a state should be dealt with directly between the Boy Scouts association of their original state and that of the state in which they are citizens. In the event of the two associations after serious consideration being unable to agree, the question should be submitted to the International Committee through the International Bureau for definite solution and decision.
  • 1926-16 Request to the PressThe conference addresses an earnest request to the Press of the world to refrain from using the terms "Scout," "Eclaireur," "Scouting," etc., in their reports unless the matters referred to therein refer to members of recognised Scout organisations. It has been observed that in Press reports, touring, hiking, outdoor excursions, picnics, rivercamping, etc., are frequently confused with scouting, the expression "scouting" being applied to activities which have nothing in common with the Scout movement. The Press, who have always supported the Scout movement, will render the movement inestimable service by distinguishing between true scouting and false imitations.
  • 1926-17 Travelling FacilitiesThe Conference notes with satisfaction the progress which has already been achieved in the matter of obtaining travelling facilities for groups of Boy Scouts belonging to an Association affiliated to the International Bureau and considering that, in the. promotion of contact between young people of different nationalities, this question is one of fundamental importance, expresses a hope that in countries where no steps have as yet been taken in this direction , appropriate measures may be urged and adopted, and that countries which have already granted facilities will carefully consider whether any further concessions could be granted, in view of the importance of the aim in view, particularly in respect of elder scouts - Rovers-over the age of 18.
  • 1926-18 Protection of ChildrenThe conference strongly supports the resolution of the League of Nations Advisory Committee for the protection of children that in future town planning the question of the provision of open spaces for recreation and of swimming baths be kept in view and requests the members of the conference to bring this matter to the notice of their respective national delegates to the League of Nations.
  • 1926-19 Child Welfare and DevelopmentThe conference associates itself with the declaration of the Comité d'Entente des Grandes Associations Internationales as follows: "Implant the child in his natural environment, that is in his family and country, this remaining today, as formerly, the first principle of sound education. "This is a permanent necessity, but it is even more marked, following upon the great upheaval, which has shaken all mankind broken down so many old barriers, and has left so many element of trouble in our minds as well as in material things. “Both for his well-being, as well as for the general good, the child, who is the future citizen, must be brought up to understand his. duty, and learn that he must faithfully discharge all his obligations to his family, his comrades, his village or city, and to his country. He must be shown, moreover, that this necessary solidarity cannot, nor ought to stop at national frontiers: for amongst the various peoples, as amongst the different members of the same society, there is a community of rights and duties, and at the same time an inter-dependence which is continually increasing. “The child must learn that civilisation has been, and still remains the common work of all the peoples, including those which in history have been most strongly opposed; and that, from the consciousness of thins common heritage, and the desire to maintain and develop it, notwithstanding divergencies, the League of Nations came into being. “Therefore, starting with the home, and from the beginnings of education in common, at school and in the organisations completing the work of the school, the child should be taught to be courteous to strangers, and his curiosity should be aroused to know their customs, and to understand their language and thoughts. “The teacher should be able to find, in order to illustrate this spirit, excellent help in reading books, magic lanterns, films, pictures, etc., in the teaching of geography, history, letters, science and art. “Enquiries should be undertaken in order to give to these different pedagogical instruments their greatest efficacy, and adapt them to the progressive needs of primary and secondary education. “The young people of each country should be brought into as direct contact as possible with those of other countries, by every available means, such as visits abroad, courses of study, camps, exchange of letters, drawings, handicrafts, etc. “These international exchanges completed, and extended in all directions, and in all forms of education by contact between pupils, young apprentices, students, professors - are suitable for directing young people towards the method of intellectual cooperation, and for favouring the work of the League of Nations."
  • 1926-20 International Jamboree and International Conference 1929The conference decided that the next International Jamboree and conference should be held in the year 1929 and that the question of the place at which it should be held be referred to the International Committee for decision. [1]

Valg og utnevninger

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Veivalg og diskusjon

For hver enkelt verdenskonferanse i WOSM har det til tider vært diskusjoner i forkant og etterkant, om endringer og forslag. Mange vedtak og gjennomføringen av disse har gitt viktige veivalg for utviklingen i speidingen. Her skal forsøke å gjengi en del av dette. Se hvert enkelt Verdenskonferanser i WOSM. Har du flere opplysninger? Bidra selv, eller send oss en e-post [3]

Om internasjonalt samarbeid

Eksterne linker

  • WOSM har egen hjemmeside: [4]


  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
  2. 2,0 2,1 Wikipedia liten logo.png Opplysninger fra norsk og int. wikipedia.org [2].
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 Lilje.JPG Lederen nr. 3 1926, Norsk Speidergutt-Forbund.
  4. 4,0 4,1 Lilje.JPG Lederen nr. 4 1926, Norsk Speidergutt-Forbund.
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