41. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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41. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: WOSMlogo.jpg WOSM
Sted: Baku
Land: Flagg Aserbajdsjan.png Aserbajdsjan
Deltagertall: 169 nasjoner
Dato 2017 [1]

41. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Delegater og deltagerland

169 nasjoner. 158 nasjoner møtt frem. 8 nasjoner ikke møtt, men med stemmefullmakt. 2 nasjoner møtt frem, uten stemmerett. 1 nasjon ikke møtt og uten mulighet til å stemme. [1]

Hånd stopp.jpg Noen nasjoner, selvstyrte områder og tidl. kolonistater kan ha byttet navn i dag, men er skrevet som i 2017, mer om hver enkelt ved å følge blå ledetekst.

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Saker og resolusjoner

WOSMlogo.jpg Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 41. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

  • 2017-01 Registration of Member OrganizationsThe Conference, - records with pleasure the admission of the following Members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement; Effective 27 February 2016 - Scouting Aruba - Scouting Antiano (Curaçao) - Palestinian Scout Association Effective 11 August 2016 - Myanmar Scout Effective 14 August 2016 - The Seychelles Scouts Association Effective 8 May 2017 - Associação dos Escuteiros de São Tomé e Príncipe Effective 22 June 2017 - União Nacional dos Escuteiros de Timor-Leste Effective 14 July 2017 - Associazione Guide Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi Effective 26 July 2017 - Escuteiros da Guiné-Bissau Effective 17 August 2017 - Iraq Scout Association.
  • 2017-02 Membership Application – The Scout Association of MacauThe Conference, - considering the application for WOSM membership on 13 December 2014 of The Scout Association of Macau, - being aware of its Associate Membership of WOSM’s Asia-Pacific Region since 1983, - noting the recommendation of the World Scout Committee for membership, - noting the opposition of nine Member Organizations (more than five percent of WOSM’s Membership) during the postal ballot initiated by the World Scout Committee in accordance with Article VI.1 of the WOSM Constitution, resulting in the referral of the application to this meeting of the World Scout Conference, - recalling that the Purpose of WOSM is to promote unity and facilitate expansion of the Scout Movement, - approves the application for WOSM membership of The Scout Association of Macau; - declares as of 16 August 2017 The Scout Association of Macau a Member Organization of WOSM, as the National Scout Organization representing Macao.
  • 2017-03 Strategy for Scouting – Triennial Plan 2017-2020The Conference, - recalling Conference Resolution 2014-06, which approved "Vision 2023" as the new Strategy for Scouting, - recalling Conference Resolution 2014-07, which approved the overall strategic guidelines for the World Triennial Plan 2014-2017 as the first iteration of three to achieve the targets set out, - commending the World Scout Committee’s Strategy Monitoring Group in the training and resources produced to assist Regions and Member Organizations to align themselves with the Strategy for Scouting, - expressing its appreciation on the diligent reporting of the World Scout Committee including the use of Key Performance Indicators, - considering the outcomes of the discussions between Member Organizations on the World Triennial Plan 2017-2020 during the related session at this Conference, - approves the proposed objectives of the World Triennial Plan 2017-2020 (as amended), included in Chapter 3 of Conference Document 6A, as the overall strategic guidelines for the work to be carried out during the next Triennium; - requests the World Scout Committee, - to make a final reality assessment of the proposed objectives of the World Triennial Plan 2017-2020 in terms of available resources; - to align the proposed objectives of the World Triennial Plan 2017-2020 (as amended) with the Resolutions taken by the Conference; - to approve the final version of the World Triennial Plan 2017-2020, an operational framework to implement it and a subsequent translation into yearly operational plans; - to share the final version of the World Triennial Plan 2017-2020 with all Member Organizations no later than 31 December 2017; - to share regular progress reports with Member Organizations; - to develop the World Triennial Plan 2020-2023 using a similar approach, incorporating lessons learned during this process; - requests the World Scout Bureau, - to further elaborate the concept of "meta-indicators" to assess overall progress of the Scout Movement in achieving the targets set out in Vision 2023; - to make these measurements regularly available to the World Scout Committee, enabling it to guide the implementation of the Strategy for Scouting across its Regions and Member Organizations.
  • 2017-04 The Scout Method ReviewThe Conference, - recalling Conference Resolution 2014-08: World Scout Youth Programme Policy, - recognising the work carried out by the Scout Method Unit of the Innovating Scouting Work Stream, responding to the Triennial Plan 2014-2017 objective under the Educational Methods Strategic Priority, Youth Programme section, to: - revisit the Scout Method to accurately reflect 21st century developments and the World Youth Programme Policy, - emphasising the fundamental aspect of the Scout Method as the basis for developing and delivering Scouting’s Youth Programme and its importance for the Movement at all levels, - noting the different interpretations of the Scout Method across various WOSM official publications, and the need to have consistency of the presentation of the Scout Method across the Organization, - acknowledging the need for a new interpretation of the Scout Method that is in harmony with new trends and 21st century competencies, - adopts the text of the Scout Method set out in Conference Document 8 as WOSM’s interpretation of the Scout Method, reflected in the Constitutional Amendments related to the Scout Method in Chapter I Article III; - strongly urges Member Organizations to take the necessary steps to reflect this new interpretation of the Scout Method in their own educational programmes, procedures and materials; - requests the World Scout Bureau to take all necessary steps to provide support to Member Organizations in this area, and to take any necessary action to promote widely the new interpretation; - urges the World Scout Bureau to put in place a process to update all relevant institutional and educational materials with the new interpretation; - requests the World Scout Committee to put in place a process to review the interpretation of the Scout Method every three triennia; - strongly requests Regions to update the interpretation of the Scout Method in their relevant materials and events.
  • 2017-05 World Safe from Harm PolicyThe Conference, - reaffirming Conference Resolutions 1990-16: Convention on the Rights of the Child and 2002-07: Keeping Scouts Safe from Harm, - considering the necessity to ensure that Scouting continues as a safe learning environment for children, young people, and adults, and the critical role that adults play in achieving this, - considering the Member Organizations’ assessment on Safe from Harm developed by the World Scout Committee with the support of the World Scout Bureau, - adopts the World Safe from Harm Policy, Conference Document 9, for ensuring the continuing well-being, healthy development and safety of children and young people during their time in Scouting; - resolves that any existing systems and procedures on Safe from Harm at the world level are now modified by the adoption of the provisions of the World Safe from Harm Policy; - invites Member Organizations to implement the provisions of the new World Safe from Harm Policy; - requests the World Scout Committee to allocate resources to support the implementation of the new World Safe from Harm Policy through the establishment of regional networks; - requests the World Scout Bureau to develop and distribute guidelines which support the implementation of the new World Safe from Harm Policy.
  • 2017-06 Spirituality in ScoutingThe Conference, - recognising the good work being done by many Member Organizations in the area of Spiritual Development / Duty to God and the wide acceptance and use of the resources “Scouting and Spiritual Development” and “Guidelines on Spiritual and Religious Development in Scouting”, - recognising the good work being done and presented by the Duty to God Task Force, - recognising the need for further investigation in the key area of Spiritual Development / Duty to God and the strongly expressed desire for more support on the part of many Member Organizations in the area of Spiritual Development / Duty to God, - reaffirming Conference Resolution 2014-05 and the broad agreement within the Movement of the importance of Spiritual Development / Duty to God, - recommends that the World Scout Committee provides more support to Member Organizations in enhancing their youth programme and leader training in the area of Spiritual Development / Duty to God; - recommends that the World Scout Committee, when considering approval of changes to the local formulation of the Scout Promise and Law, give due weight to the place of each Member Organization in determining the most appropriate formulation for their “culture and civilization” when addressing the issue of “Spiritual Development / Duty to God”; - calls on Member Organizations to consider, in a spirit of fellowship, the wider interests of the Movement when presenting new formulations of their Scout Promise and Law for approval.
  • 2017-07 Inclusive Decision-Making – Developing the World Scout Conference and the World Scout Youth ForumThe Conference, - reaffirming its commitment to inclusive decision-making at all levels of WOSM, - reaffirming its commitment to the World Scout Youth Involvement Policy agreed in Conference Resolution 2014-09, - noting Conference Resolutions 1999-11, 2005-11 and 2008-15 which confirmed the transitional and interim nature of the World Scout Youth Forum in the decision-making processes of WOSM, - noting Conference Resolutions 1990-24, 1993-24 and 2005-12 which called for more inclusive methods to be used at World Scout Conferences, - welcomes the “concept review”, Conference Document 10, of the World Scout Conference and World Scout Youth Forum undertaken in the last triennium, - welcomes the progress that has been made to ensure inclusivity in decision-making processes at this Conference, - requests the World Scout Committee to continue to innovate and progress further changes to working methods to ensure increasing inclusivity and effectiveness of decision-making at the World Scout Conferences and in other WOSM bodies; - urges the World Scout Committee to investigate and introduce further innovations in the structure of the World Scout Conference programme which support the values of transparency, inclusivity, and sharing of good practices; - calls upon the World Scout Committee to introduce further developments for the World Scout Conference in 2020 to ensure that young people are fully engaged in the decision-making process with the aim of merging the World Scout Conference and World Scout Youth Forum into a new event in 2023; - recommends to the organisers of the event that a group of young volunteers, in addition to Youth Advisors, representing the WOSM Regions and realities are fully involved in the process of reviewing the current events and developing the new model; - requests the World Scout Committee to develop a set of actions to ensure meaningful participation and effective youth contribution to any potential new event; - calls upon the World Scout Committee to ensure that any possible event in 2023 and beyond retains learning and educational elements, promoting personal growth opportunities that allow participants to take part in more effective decision-making processes; - calls upon the organisers of future World Scout Conferences to focus any solidarity programme on the attendance of young people under the age of 30 years to ensure youth representation from every NSO; - calls upon the World Scout Committee to explore how youth participation (under 30’s) can be improved in delegations attending the new event.
  • 2017-08 2030 Agenda for Sustainable DevelopmentThe Conference, - reaffirming WOSM’s Vision 2023 and World Scouting’s long-term commitment to advancing sustainable development and offering transformative non-formal education for young people, - reaffirming WOSM’s Communication and Strategic Engagements Strategy and World Scouting’s commitment to advocate for a better world for young people and future generations and empowering young people to become active citizens, - recalling Conference Resolution 2005-18: Scouting and Environment, Conference Resolution 2005-20: Sustainable Development, and Conference Resolution 2014-14: Advocating for a Better World, - welcoming the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015, calling for a global call of action for people, planet and prosperity, with 17 goals and 169 targets, - acknowledging the long-standing partnership between World Scouting and the United Nations, and WOSM’s status as an accredited observer organisation to the United Nations, - acknowledging the Paris Agreement, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development and the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 as complementary frameworks to the 2030 Agenda, - acknowledging the strong relevance of the entire 2030 Agenda to WOSM, and recognising that the interconnected and indivisible nature of the Sustainable Development Goals demands a holistic approach that integrates the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, - noting the draft objectives related to WOSM’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals proposed for the Triennial Plan 2017-2020, - strongly urges Member Organizations to play an active role in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, and in showcasing the contribution of Scouting through existing national structures for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda; - requests the World Scout Bureau to further develop and monitor the contributions of World Scouting to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to report on the progress of this work to the World Scout Conference; - requests the World Scout Committee to ensure future WOSM Triennial Plans continue contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals; - requests the World Scout Committee to review the Better World Framework to incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals; - urges the World Scout Committee to integrate the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals as a transversal and cross-cutting framework, throughout all strategic priorities and decisions; - encourages Member Organizations to engage in partnerships with other stakeholders and sectors, to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
  • 2017-09 Evaluation of WOSM’s Official and Working LanguagesThe Conference, - acknowledging the previous efforts of Conference Resolutions 1990-21 and 1999-09 to increase the use of essential working languages into the discussions and publications of WOSM for World Scout Conferences, - noting that the official languages of WOSM were adopted in 1922 and the additional working languages added in 1990 for World Scout Conferences have not been evaluated for their utility and benefit of Member Organizations, - aware that the languages predominantly used and required by WOSM members may have changed and be in the process of changing since the adoption of the WOSM Constitution in 1922, - considering that effective communication is highly necessary to fulfil the objectives of Vision 2023, - emphasising the importance of using effective and relevant official and working languages in all World Scout Events and communication, - considering the essential principles of inclusivity and diversity at both Regional and World Levels, - considering the cost and effort associated with translation into working and official languages, - cognizant of the need to objectively evaluate the current needs of the Member Organizations in regard to the official and working languages used at World Events and in WOSM communications, - recognising the added value of multilingualism in the context of a world organisation, - cognizant of the relationship between language and identity,- mindful of the inequitable access to quality language education globally, - calls for the World Scout Committee to organise a task force to execute the following: - undertake an extensive study and evaluation of the official and working languages used at all World and Regional Events and of all communications from WOSM and its respective Regions; - assess the needs of the Member Organizations in regard to the official and working languages of WOSM and recommend which languages would be most beneficial to the Member Organizations for future World Events and WOSM communications; - evaluate the use of official and working languages in terms of their cost, benefit, and utility to both the Member Organizations and WOSM particularly with regards to: - the ability of NSOs to use and adapt WOSM’s work in their national context - the partnership dynamics across Regions and NSOs - the potential of growth for worldwide Scouting - the needs of the most underrepresented NSOs - the principles of diversity and inclusion; - examine whether the current languages are optimal in number and variety to meet the current and future needs of WOSM; - suggests the World Scout Committee to utilise the findings of the task force to present a proposal with options to the World Scout Conference in 2020, recommending appropriate action.
  • 2017-10 Environmental Sustainability ImpactThe Conference, - recognising that the Founder Robert Baden-Powell encouraged us in his last message to “leave this world a little better than you found it”, - recalling the principles and aims for environmental education in Scouting as reinforced in Conference Resolutions 1971-12, 1988-06, 1990-13, 1993-11, 2005-18, 2008-22, - taking note of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030 and especially Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities, Goal 12 - Responsible consumption and production, Goal 13 - Climate Change, Goal 14 – Life Below Water, and Goal 15 – Life on Land, - stressing the need for environmentally sustainable actions by WOSM, Member Organisations and all Scouts, in line with Conference Resolutions 1971-12, 1988-06, 1990-13, 1990-14 and 1993-12, - calls upon Member Organizations to review and adopt policies which promote environmentally sustainable activities and practices within their organisations, in line with previous Conference Resolutions 1988-06, 1990-12 and 1993-13; - requests the World Scout Committee to: - draft a vision for empowering young people through education to have a positive impact on the environment; - present a report to Member Organizations before the Resolution drafting period for the World Scout Conference in 2020 identifying key sustainability areas to focus on reducing the negative environmental impact of WOSM and research opportunities for achieving carbon neutrality in a Scouting context; - encourage all Scout Centres of Excellence for Nature and Environment (SCENES) to demonstrate best practices regarding environmental sustainability and implementation of the standards to motivate other scout facilities; - build on the progress achieved by the World Scout Committee in Triennium 2014-2017 by encouraging all Member Organizations and Regions to conduct environmentally sustainable meetings; - investigate WOSM’s environmental impact; - requests the World Scout Bureau to: - adapt the Guidelines for World Events to give increased focus on environmental sustainability of events as committed in Conference Resolutions 2005-20 and 2008-25.
  • 2017-11 Review of World Scout Committee Size for Improved Efficiency, Accountability, and EffectivenessThe Conference, - recognising the financial and logistical responsibilities placed on the World Scout Bureau to support the participation of numerous Voting, Ex-Officio, and Youth Advisors in World Scout Committee business, - guided by the desire to promote and strengthen the principles of transparency, accountability, and efficient financial management within WOSM governing institutions, - noting the potential improvements to organisational effectiveness, decision-making, and oversight inherent in a smaller, more efficient World Scout Committee, - emphasising the necessity of efficiency within the World Scout Committee to reach WOSM's goal of good governance, - calls upon the World Scout Committee to review the membership size and structure of the World Scout Committee for the most effective membership to carry out its responsibilities in an efficient manner; - suggests that such a study focuses in particular on reducing administrative overhead, strengthening cohesion and transparency, and improving the World Scout Committee's ability to set the direction of scouting towards Vision 2023.
  • 2017-12 Youth Advisor Functions and ResponsibilitiesThe Conference, - recognising that the youth members are of utmost priority in the Scouting Movement's mission and values, - noting that the contributions of both young people and adults are important in successful Scout decision-making, - affirming the previous efforts of Conference Resolutions 2008-14 and 2014-09, - considering the role of the Youth Advisors as reviewed and approved by the World Scout Committee in Circular N° 5/2017, - discovering the general lack of clarity of Youth Advisors' objectives and expected outcomes by the end of their terms, - acknowledging that Youth Advisors are a means of youth involvement in the decision-making process, - emphasising the necessity to understand one's roles and responsibilities in order to guide progress and determine success, - further noting Chapter V, Article XIV of the WOSM Constitution: Functions of the World Scout Committee, - requests the World Scout Committee, in partnership with the newly elected and former Youth Advisors, to, - develop a list of functions for Youth Advisors that improves upon and further specifies the defined role of the Youth Advisors stated in Circular N° 5/2017; - review the responsibilities to the World Scout Committee and to WOSM defined in the Role of the Youth Advisors; - suggests that these functions and responsibilities of the Youth Advisors have clear accountability; - asks that consideration is given for the Youth Advisors to present a more frequent report through which Scouts can stay informed with the progress of the Youth Advisors.
  • 2017-13 Promotion of Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-InternetThe Conference, - noting with satisfaction how Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet encourage and promote the education of cultural-awareness, increased collaboration, and friendships with scouts of all ages throughout WOSM, - emphasising the few pre-event resources, minimal annual budget, and decentralised preparation required to organise Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet, - recognising the success of Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet in meeting the Vision 2023 Strategic Priority of Diversity and Inclusion by allowing scouts of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to participate in international scouting events with few barriers to their attendance, - recognising the change in communication technologies since the introduction of this event, and the widespread adoption and usage by youth of newer technologies to those currently used in the event, - recognising the work of the digital engagement team to make use of the newer technology platforms to engage and create communication channels with the membership of WOSM in all Member Organisations, - fully believing that Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet could have a greater impact with additional support and awareness from WOSM and Member Organizations, - applauds the progress of Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet in promoting the values of Scouting and allowing scouts from all ages, nationalities, and socioeconomic backgrounds to participate in international scouting events; - requests the World Scout Committee to further promote Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet and aid National Scout Organizations in promoting and facilitating participation; - requests the JOTA-JOTI Team to review the current channels to incorporate alternative communication platforms in the activities of Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet in order to allow the usage of platforms that are more accessible and more commonly used by the youth membership; - calls on Member Organizations to promote awareness and support of Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet in their National Scout Organization(s).
  • 2017-14 Bidding for Future Events – Code of ConductThe Conference, - acknowledging the basic principles of Scouting Values, - stressing the importance of Conference Resolution 2008-25: Bidding for World Scout Events, and the need of implementation of this, - remembering Conference Resolution 2005-15: Cost of World Events, - highlighting the importance of a fair and equitable bidding process for World Scout Events and a fair and equal process for candidates to the World Scout Committee, - taking into consideration the “World Events Bidders 2017 – Code of Conduct compliance”, - noting that the resources spent on campaigns from National Scout Organizations towards the acquiring of permission to host events have rapidly increased over the past years, - requests the World Scout Committee to initiate the work to put forward clear guidelines for bids for World Events, which aims for the following: - ensuring a fair and transparent policy for future bidding processes; - ensuring a bidding process that is open and affordable for a larger number of Member Organizations; ensuring sustainability of a bidding process so that an unsuccessful bidding does not put the bidding Member Organization itself in tremendous political and financial risks; - ensuring a bidding process of highest ethical standards that mitigates and minimises any reputational and legal risks for WOSM and its members; - ensuring that no undue diplomatic or governmental pressure be placed upon any Member Organizations; - requests that relevant new clear guidelines are in place before the campaigning process begins for future World Events; - encourages Member Organizations in the process of launching bids for future World Events to strictly adhere to the proposed guidelines; - encourages Member Organizations to report any non-compliance to these guidelines; - requests that, should a formal allegation of non-compliance with the Code be reported prior to the bid in question going to a vote, the World Scout Committee put in place a process for investigating and reporting it; - requests that if, after the vote for the World Event, a bid be reported and found not to follow these guidelines then the results of the investigation are to be circulated to all WOSM Member Organizations and appropriate action to be taken. [1]

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