6. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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6. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: International Bureau
Sted: Baden bei Wien
Land: Flagg Østerrike.png Østerrike
Deltagertall: 44 nasjoner
Dato 23.29. juli 1931 [1]
Les mer om speidingen i Østerrike Flagg Østerrike.png

6. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Delegater og deltagerland

44 nasjoner

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Saker og resolusjoner

Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 6. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

Note: Resolutions 1931-01 to 1931-08 are Resolutions of Thanks and Appreciation.
  • 1931-09 Scout PromiseThe Conference desires to make it clear that in the Scout's Promise, the promise of duty "to my country" means duty to the constituted authority of the country concerned.
  • 1931-10 Report to the International BureauThe Conference requests that every registered association should send an annual report to the International Bureau, not only on its numbers, but on all matters of general interest (state of public opinion as to scouting, important events, initiatives taken, etc.)
  • 1931-11 Difficulties, ConsultationThe Conference requests that when difficulties arise in which the International Bureau may be of assistance, associations should report such difficulties to the Bureau, not after they have actually arisen and become acute, but when they are seriously threatening.
  • 1931-12 Protection of Uniform, Etc.The Conference records its gratification that in still more countries legal protection has been given to the use by National Boy Scout associations of titles, uniforms, badges, etc. The proved necessity of such protection to prevent the defrauding of the public by impersonation is, however, not appreciated in some countries and the Conference begs the League of Nations to accord its assistance by urging on nations, members of the League, where such protection is not given, to confer on their National Boy Scout organisations such protection is not given, to confer on their National Boy Scout organisations such protection as their national laws permit.
  • 1931-13 Educational Cinema Films Exemption from Customs DutyThe Conference cordially welcomes the introduction to the League of Nations of a Draft Convention designed to exempt educational cinema films from customs duty. The Conference holds that the scope of the definition of an educational film as set out in the draft convention should be extended so as to admit, under the proposed Convention, films in support of organisations whose work is essentially on an educational character, as well as films which are directly scholastic. To that end the Conference recommends the following changes: A. Films intended to make known the League of Nations and other international organisations, governmental or of an international educational character, including international organisations recognised by the League of Nations and contained in their handbook. B. Films dealing with hygiene, physical training and social preventive or welfare work and explaining the work and methods of international organisations for promoting character training. With regard to (E) the adequacy of words with applied limited meanings such as " preventive” and "welfare” should be carefully considered. The Conference regards it as of prime importance that, if and when under such a Convention, Committees are set up in different countries to issue certificates for exemption of specific films from duty, due representation on such Committees should be arranged for such organisations as the Boy Scouts Association.
  • 1931-14 World Jamboree 1933The Conference wishes to offer its thanks to the Scout Associations of Czechoslovakia, the United States of America, the Netherlands and Australia and resolves that having regard to all the circumstances the invitation of the Hungarian Boy Scout Association to hold the next World Jamboree at Gödöllö, near Budapest between August 1 and August 15, 1933 be accepted.
  • 1931-15 Conferences, Preliminary PapersThis Conference requests the International Bureau to arrange in future that all written papers on subjects for discussion should be available in at least two languages a sufficient time before the Conference opens, in order to enable delegates to come prepared with the views of their associations on the said subject; and further that the country responsible for the subject should prepare and deliver at the Conference itself a resume of the main points which it is required to make and upon which a definite opinion is considered desirable. The Conference is of opinion that such a procedure would have the effect of saving time, of clarifying the work of the sessions and of allowing a reasonable period for informed discussion.
  • 1931-16 Changes in Scout Promise and LawThe Conference places on record that the terms of the Resolution of the Kandersteg Conference (numbered 1926-29 in the pamphlet of Resolutions) respecting any changes in the wording of the Scout's Promise and Law, apply equally to the promise and Law of Wolf Cubs and Rover Scouts.
  • 1931-17 Interchange of Correspondence Between Scouts of Different NationsThe Conference recommends the encouragement of the interchange of correspondence between the scouts of different nations. It is suggested that control of the actual correspondence should be limited to ascertaining that the would-be correspondents are satisfactory Wolf Cubs, Scouts or Rover Scouts. It may be possible in some cases to give the correspondence a Patrol character but the essential is that, subject to the precaution indicated, the Scouts should be trusted to correspond in a manner consistent with Scout principles. It is suggested that a study be made of the practicability of introducing an international stamp to be placed on such correspondence.
  • 1931-18 Collaboration between Scouting and SchoolsThe Conference is of opinion that the programme and methods of Scout and Cub training be made known to teachers and boys in elementary schools. That in camp training courses it should be urged on leaders that they should, as far as possible, work in cooperation with the schoolmasters of their boys and endeavour to bring about harmonious development as between Scout and Cub training and school teaching. [1]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
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