7. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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7. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: International Bureau
Sted: Gödöllő
Land: Flagg Ungarn.png Ungarn
Deltagertall: 31 nasjoner
Dato 7.8. august 1933 [1]
Les mer om speidingen i Ungarn Flagg Ungarn.png

7. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Delegater og deltagerland

31 nasjoner.

Norske minner

Saker og resolusjoner

Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 7. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

Note: Resolutions 1933-01 to 1933-09 are Resolutions of Thanks and Appreciation.
  • 1933-10 Support from International BureauThe Conference requests that when difficulties arise in which the International Bureau may be of assistance, Associations should report such difficulties to the Bureau, not after they have actually arisen and become acute, but when they are seriously threatening, thus affording the International Bureau a better opportunity to give prompt and effective assistance.
  • 1933-11 International Conference 1935This Conference offers its thanks to the Swedish Boy Scouts Association for the invitation to hold the International Conference in 1935 in Sweden, an invitation which the Conference cordially accepts.
  • 1933-12 Promise and Law, ChangesThe Conference resolves that it is the duty of any association registered with the International Bureau to notify the Bureau in the event of that association having made, or intending to make any modification in the Cub, Scout or Rover Promise or in the Cub, Scout or Rover Law, or in any other regulation embodying the essential principles of Scouting. (Re-affirmed 1953-07)
  • 1933-13 Interchange of Correspondence and Visits Between Scouts of Different NationsThe Conference recommends the encouragement of the interchange of correspondence and visits between Scouts of different Nations and commends the principles set out in the valuable paper contributed by Monsieur I. Wolkowicz, International Commissioner of the Polish Boy Scouts' Association, dealing with the interchange of visits.
  • 1933-14 Scout LawThe Conference expresses the hope that all associations will cooperate in an effort to have the spirit and content of the ten laws as drafted by the Chief Scout and Founder of the Movement, made universally effective and, in so far as local conditions make practicable, in the same numerical order; and further that, where any nations may find it desirable to supplement these ten laws, such additional laws follow after the original ten.
  • 1933-15 Political PropagandaThis Conference again invites attention to the fact that political propaganda of any character, direct or indirect, national or international, must not be permitted in any camp or Scout gathering in which representative of other nations are invited to participate. (Re-affirmed 1963-16)
  • 1933-16 Length of ServiceThe Conference recommends that national associations recognize length of service in other countries, duly authenticated, in authorizing the wearing of service stars whilst in that country. [1]

Valg og utnevninger

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For hver enkelt verdenskonferanse i WOSM har det til tider vært diskusjoner i forkant og etterkant, om endringer og forslag. Mange vedtak og gjennomføringen av disse har gitt viktige veivalg for utviklingen i speidingen. Her skal forsøke å gjengi en del av dette. Se hvert enkelt Verdenskonferanser i WOSM. Har du flere opplysninger? Bidra selv, eller send oss en e-post [2]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
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