25. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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25. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: WOSMlogo.jpg WOSM
Sted: Lundtoft
Land: Flagg Danmark.png Danmark
Deltagertall: 87 nasjoner
Dato 8.15. august 1975 [1]

25. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Flagg Danmark.png Flagg Finland.png Flagg Island.png Flagg Norge.png Flagg Sverige.png

1975: De fem nordiske land arrangerte den 14. verdensspeiderleirenLillehammer i Norge, som fikk navnet Nordjamb, sammensatt av "Norden" for de fem arrangørlandene, og "Jamboree" som er speidernes betegnelse på en slik verdensspeiderleir som arrangeres hvert fjerde år. 17.000 speidere fra 91 land deltok på leiren. En felles nordisk komité tok seg av forberedelsene, med omtrent 1000 nordiske ledere som bisto i forberedelsene, derav 300 fra Norge. Samtidig med leiren ble 25. verdenskonferanse i WOSM arrangert i Danmark, som samlet mer enn 600 speiderledere fra 87 land.

Delegater og deltagerland

87 nasjoner.

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Saker og resolusjoner

WOSMlogo.jpg Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 25. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

  • 1975-01 ConstitutionIn accordance with Article XXIII of the Constitution, the Conference has approved that Article XIX, 2. (c) be substituted by the following: "(c) A Regional Scout Office, directed by a Regional Executive. The Regional Office is also a branch of the World Bureau, in conformity with Article XVI, paragraph 21 of this Constitution. The Regional Executive is appointed by the World Bureau in agreement with the Regional Committee, is paid by the World Bureau and reports to the Secretary General to whom he is responsible, and to the Regional Committee.”
  • 1975-02 By-LawsIn accordance with By-Law V, the Conference has approved the addition of a new Section 1 (A) to By-Law I as follows: "Section 1 (A): Agenda of Meetings The World Committee shall invite Member Organizations to suggest or propose subjects for inclusion in the agenda of an ordinary meeting of the World Conference at least nine months in advance of the meeting. Any subject proposed by five or more Member Organizations should be included in the agenda in the form proposed."
  • 1975-03 RegistrationsThe Conference is pleased to accord recognition and registration with the World Bureau to Effective 1 June 1974 - Bangladesh Boy Samity Effective July 1974 Scouts - Asociacion de Scouts de Chile Effective 1 August 1974 - The Scout Association of The Bahamas Effective 21 Dec. 1974 - Federation du Scoutisme Tchadien Effective 22 June 1975 - Association des Scouts du Rwanda
  • 1975-04 Purposes, Principles and Methods (Constitution, Chapter II)The World Conference Considering that the survey on the Purposes, Principles and Methods of the Scout Movement (Constitution, Chapter II) constitutes, on the part of the respondents, a general reaffirmation of the validity of the content of Chapter II, coupled with the desire to re-express this Chapter in better and more significant terms, Convinced that, refined and clarified, the Purposes, Principles and Methods embodied in Chapter II would emerge strengthened and unchallenged, Requests the World Committee to establish a Task Force, representative insofar as is possible of the principal societies and cultures found among membership of the World Organization, and to submit for consideration by the 26th World Conference proposals relating to Chapter II in the light of the positions revealed in the survey and all views submitted by Member Associations before January 1, 1976.
  • 1975-05 Relationship between the World Organization and its regionsThe Conference welcomes the announcement by the World Committee of the creation of a Task Force entrusted, inter alia, with the examination of the problems of the distribution of responsibilities and tasks of the World Organization in relation to its Regional Organizations. Recommends the Task Force to study particularly the question of the relationships between the regional commissioner, the World Bureau and the Regional Committee, with a view to specifying the respective responsibilities concerning the management, the application of constitutional and other legal texts and the policy of the Movement both at world and regional level. Desires that the Task Force presents in its general report to the next World Conference in 1977 the results of its investigations on this specific question including concrete proposals.
  • 1975-06 Pre-Cub ProgrammesThe Conference Notes with interest the introduction of, or experimentation in, programmes for the Pre-Cub age group by a number of Member Organizations. Urges Member Organizations desiring to introduce such programmes to make a careful study of the needs of boys in the Pre-Cub age group and of the implications of such programmes on the overall structure of the Member Organization. Encourages an exchange of ideas and information on the Pre-Cub age group through the World Bureau.
  • 1975-07 Second World Scout ForumThe Conference Acknowledges with pleasure the receipt of the Report of the Second World Scout Forum and takes note of the resolutions embodied therein. Warmly congratulates the participants for their outstanding work and their positive contribution. Requests the World Committee to study the Forum report, determine an appropriate course of action and advise Member Organizations of the action to be taken.
  • 1975-08 Join-In-JamboreeThe Conference Strongly commends the practice of the “Join-In-Jamboree” in connection with the holding of World Jamborees. Confirms that the “Join-In-Jamboree" shall be a permanent feature for all future World Jamborees and Urges all Member Organizations to organize their “Join-In-Jamboree” activities as effectively as possible in order to carry the Jamboree spirit and the sense of participation to all Scouts around the world.
  • 1975-09 Long Range PlanningThe Conference Notes the progress achieved in some aspects of the five-year development plan since its approval by the Tokyo Conference. Regrets that due to financial and other reasons the revisions introduced in Nairobi have not been fully implemented. Requests the World Committee and the World Bureau to do their utmost to up-date the plan and to circulate it widely among national Scout organizations. Instructs those bodies to maintain the concept of continuous five-year planning.
  • 1975-10 CommunicationsThe Conference Realizing the need to further improving and strengthening communications at the world, regional and national levels, Accepts the report of the Task Force on Internal Communications and Urges Member Organizations to ensure the most effective two-way flow of ideas and information as the programme for 1976.
  • 1975-11 International Air Transport Association (IATA)The Conference Recognizing that high transport costs constitute significant impediments to the development of international exchanges, Wishing to promote the development of peace and understanding through international Scout exchanges Calls on all Member Organizations to persuade their national International Air Transport Association (IATA) airlines to actively support the initiatives on lower, student-type air fare structures for Scouting to be taken at a forthcoming IATA conference by the Irish national airline; and Requests the World Bureau to coordinate the efforts required to get this resolution successfully through IATA.
  • 1975-12 World Moot YearThe Conference notes with pleasure the success of the World Moot Year 1973/1974 and approves the holding of a further Moot Year during 1977/1978 on a similar basis.
  • 1975-13 Location of the International Headquarters of the World BureauThe Conference acknowledges with thanks the generous offer of His Excellency the President of the Philippines and the Boy Scouts of the Philippines to relocate the international headquarters of the World Scout Bureau in Manila. Requests the World Committee to consider the offer within the framework of the general question of the location of the World Bureau and to report on it to the next World Conference.
  • 1975-14 Cooperation with Amateur Radio ServiceThe Conference requests all Member Organizations: 1. To urge their Governments to resist any attempt to reduce the number and size of frequencies presently allocated to the Amateur Radio Service and, 2. To cooperate with their National Amateur Radio Organizations in any actions designed to this end.
  • 1975-15 Registration FeeThe Conference requests the World Committee to re-examine the basis and structure of the registration fee with a view to making it more realistic and equitable and to submit a report and recommendations to all Member Organizations before January 1st, 1977.
  • 1975-16 Biennial Report 1973-1975The Conference accepts and approves the Biennial Report of the World Scout Committee and Bureau covering the period since the 24th World Conference. [1]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
  2. [2]
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