34. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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34. verdenskonferanse
Om konferansen
Arrangør: WOSMlogo.jpg WOSM
Sted: Oslo kommunevåpen.png Oslo
Land: Flagg Norge.png Norge
Deltagertall: 108 nasjoner
Dato 8.15. juli 1996 [1]

34. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Den 34. verdenskonferansen i Wosm ble arrangert i Oslo i juli 1996. Teknisk arrangør var Norges speiderforbund. Konferansen ble holdt i Folkets hus, med utedag på Sognsvann utenfor Oslo sentrum.

Delegater og deltagerland

Omtrent 1000 deltakere fra 108 nasjoner. [2]

Leder for den norske delegasjonen var speidersjef Stein Løvold.

Norske minner

Saker og resolusjoner

WOSMlogo.jpg Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 34. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

  • 1996-01 Palestinian Scout AssociationThe Conference - approves the World Committee’s recommendation that the Palestinian Scout Association be granted conditional recognition, which is justified by the uniqueness of the case - notes that this conditional recognition shall give the Palestinian Scout Association the principal privileges and attributes of membership, except the right to vote - records that this situation shall prevail until the sovereignty of Palestine is internationally established, at which time the Palestinian Scout Association shall be considered for full membership status in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution of WOSM - rules that this conditional recognition shall not create a precedent.
  • 1996-02 Registration Fee SystemThe Conference - considering that the present fee system adopted by the 27th World Scout Conference in 1979 has become inequitable in a large number of Member Organizations - considering that the World Organization of the Scout Movement needs stable and sufficient resources, indexed to inflation, to carry out its constitutional duties in a sustainable manner - adopts the registration fee system described in Conference Document No. 4 as WOSM's registration fee system as from fiscal year 1996-1997, starting 1st October 1996 - decides that the following shall apply for fiscal years 1996-1997, 1997-1998 and 1998-1999: - basic fee per member: S.F. 0.86 - category A: GNP per capita up to US$ 725 - category B: GNP per capita from US$ 726 to US$ 2,895 - category C: GNP per capita from US$ 2,896 to US$ 8,955 - category D: GNP per capita from US$ 8,956 to US$ 39,850 - minimum annual fee payable: S.F. 300.- - annual flat fee for a Member Organization in a country with a GNP per capita of less that US$ 300: S.F. 300.- - annual flat fee for an Accredited National Scout Organization: S.F. 200.- - adopts the transitional arrangement for Member Organizations belonging to categories A and B.
  • 1996-03 Strategy for ScoutingThe Conference - noting with pleasure the excellent progress made in the implementation of the Strategy for Scouting since the 31st World Scout Conference in Melbourne in 1988 - reaffirms its great satisfaction that the Strategy for Scouting has become the general framework for the activities of WOSM at all levels and the driving force towards 2002 - welcomes the directions proposed by the World Committee for future work on the Strategy and in particular the need to concentrate on the mission of Scouting as a leitmotiv that permeates the entire Strategy to give it more substance and better focus - commends the process that has enabled the Conference, in the Commissions on the missionrelated subjects of "Scouting for what?" and "Scouting for whom?", to begin an in-depth consideration of the future directions of the Strategy - requests the World Scout Committee, using the results of the two above mentioned Commissions and with the involvement of National Scout Organizations and Regions, to develop a mission statement based upon the Constitution of WOSM for adoption by the next World Scout Conference.
  • 1996-04 World Youth ForumThe Conference - welcomes the contributions by the 6th World Youth Forum, in particular the Forum's reflections on the themes "Scouting for what?" and "Scouting for whom?" and the Forum's recommendations - invites the World Scout Committee and its educational committees to take into account the outcome of the Youth Forum in their future work - recommends that each National Scout Association's leadership meets with their delegates to the 6th World Youth Forum to discuss the outcome of the Forum and its implications for the future work of the association - recommends that National Scout Associations support their delegates to the 6th World Youth Forum in making the outcome of the Youth Forum known in their own association and in maintaining contact with participants from other associations - encourages close contact and cooperation between delegates to Regional Youth Forums and the World Youth Forum - reaffirms the importance of WOSM's policy on the involvement of young members in decisionmaking and recommends to all National Scout Organizations to send at least one delegate to future Regional and World Scout Youth Forums and to include at least one participant who is under the age of 26 in the organization's delegation to Regional Scout Conferences and the World Scout Conference.
  • 1996-05 Females and Males in WOSMThe Conference - reaffirming Resolutions 6 and 8 of the 33rd World Scout Conference in Bangkok 1993 - appreciating the fact that many WOSM Member Organizations include females within their membership - considering the need for a targeted programme aimed at the development of females, of males and - in those National Scout Associations which offer their programmes to both boys and girls, young men and young women - also of females and males together - taking note of the different needs and experiences of females and males in the context of leader training - recalling that few female members are represented in major decision- making bodies in WOSM - recommends that the World Scout Committee ensures that in all its activities, especially in the context of youth programme and leader training, it meets the different needs of females and males and recommends to all National Scout Associations which have females in their membership to do the same - strongly recommends to National Scout Associations and world bodies to work for a more equitable representation of females and males at all levels.
  • 1996-06 Scout and Guide National OrganizationsThe Conference - noting with considerable concern the many difficulties facing Scout and Guide National Organizations (SAGNOs) which, on the basis of the Statement on Relationships between WAGGGS and WOSM, are only able to take full part in all aspects of WOSM in respect of part of their national membership - re-affirming, as a matter of principle and in accordance with the Constitution of WOSM, the importance of removing barriers which complicate the structure of national associations, jeopardize their unity or detract from achieving their educational mission in respect of all the young people they represent, regardless of gender - believing that good relationships between WOSM and WAGGGS are beneficial to young people - urges the World Scout Committee to reconsider, with WAGGGS, the Statement on Relationships in order to facilitate the situation of SAGNOs and remove to the maximum extent possible the obstacles presently facing their operations, and to present proposals in this direction to the next World Scout Conference with a view to enabling the Conference to take further action.
  • 1996-07 World Association of Girl Guides and Girl ScoutsThe Conference - noting that the World Committee of the World Association of GirlGuides and Girl Scouts is proposing to its World Conference in Halifax (WAGGGS Conference Document N° 5) the following recommendation: “a) WAGGGS is an organization for girls and young women that accepts, because of the differences in each country there will be different approaches to the way of work which may include the admission of boys and men within the National Organization to achieve the stated aim of WAGGGS, to promote the advancement of girls and young women b) That the adult male members of a National Organization who are not members of WOSM, be accepted as members of WAGGGS, making the promise and paying the quota.” - further noting the implications of some of the explanations provided in support of the recommendation - requests the World Scout Committee to monitor these developments and assess the consequences for WOSM and its relationships with WAGGGS.
  • 1996-08 Organizations of Scouts in ExileThe Conference - noting the remarkable and encouraging rebirth of Scouting in former Communist countries and in particular those in Central and Eastern Europe and the C.I.S. - expresses its heartfelt admiration and deep gratitude to all those who, over generations, kept the flame of Scouting burning despite the many dark years of political oppression in their countries, where the Movement had been banned, disbanded by force or annihilated and its members imprisoned or otherwise persecuted - recognizes the unique role of those exile organizations, groups and individuals who, in the face of forced migration, break-up of families and hardships of resettlement in new lands, preserved and upheld the traditions of their original national movements - records its gratitude to those exile organizations, groups and individuals who have played a role in assisting the rebirth of Scouting in their countries of origin, thereby fulfilling their original and ultimate aim to see Scouting restored again in these countries as Members of WOSM - notes that, under the Constitution of WOSM, members of exile organizations and groups who are now citizens in their adopted country cannot be part of the National Scout Organization in their country of origin and can only be recognized through membership in the National Scout Organization in their country of residence, without relinquishing their cultural identity and friendly Scout links with their country of origin. - encourages each National Scout Organization concerned to review its relationships with exile organizations and groups in its country with the aim of integrating their membership into the National Scout Organization and thus into the world family of Scouting and requests those National Scout Organizations of those countries from which the exile groups and organizations originated to support this process fully.
  • 1996-09 Marrakech CharterThe Conference - recalling the success of the International Symposium on "Scouting: Youth without Borders, Partnership and Solidarity" organized in Marrakech in November 1994 - adopts the text of the "Marrakech Charter" contained in Conference Document No. 8 as an expression of the determination of the World Scout Movement to strengthen partnership, both between National Scout Associations, and between these associations and other organizations concerned with the education of young people, to build a world "without borders".
  • 1996-10 Inter-Religious DialogueThe Conference - considering the fundamental and universal importance of the spiritual and religious dimensions within the educational method of Scouting - considering the Scout Movement as providing a privileged place and opportunity for knowledge, understanding and fellowship amongScouts of different religions which are present in the world - welcoming the first meeting of representatives of the different religious families held in Geneva in March 1996 - recommends to the World Scout Committee and to the religious families to convene forums of representatives of the religions that are present in the Movement - encourages the World Scout Bureau to promote the spiritual dimension and to improve mutual understanding between different religious faiths - calls on the World Committee and National Scout Associations to make full use of the ecumenical and inter-religious potential of Scouting.
  • 1996-11 Costs of World EventsThe Conference - referring to resolutions 1985-11, 1990-22, 1990-23 previously adopted by the Conference - considering the difficulties faced in obtaining entry visas to northern countries by citizens of certain developing countries - considering that the registration fees for World Conferences and other Scout events are extremely high for many developing countries - considering that it is difficult for many less advanced countries to cover the costs of hotel accommodation - requests that every country offering to host an international Scout event provide the following information at the moment they put forward their candidature: 1) The approximate registration fee for the proposed event 2) Efforts made to reduce transport costs 3) The various types of accommodation available and their respective prices affordable for developing countries - recommends that the host country send an invitation to each delegate and observer registered before the official deadline, in order to enable him or her to take all the necessary steps (such as obtaining a visa) to ensure effective participation in the event.
  • 1996-12 LeprosyThe Conference - considering that the goal of the World Health Organization (WHO) is to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem - recognizing that the partnership has already been established between WOSM and AHM Leprosy Relief Organization Munich for the prevention and control of leprosy - urges all National Scout Associations concerned to involve their members in working toward elimination of leprosy in coordination with WHO leprosy authorities and ministries of health.
  • 1996-13 PeaceThe Conference - referring to resolution 1988-07 adopted in Melbourne concerning education for peace and understanding - noting the proliferation of conflicts which devastate the world and destroy human lives as well as socio-economic and cultural infrastructure - particularly welcoming initiatives by Scout Associations to help safeguard and re-establish peace, notably the seminar on the role of Scouting in socio-political crises organized by Scout Associations in the Great Lakes area (Burundi-Rwanda-Zaire) - challenging xenophobia and racism, and noting that inter-cultural learning opportunities for young people challenge nationalistic stereotyping and provide education for peace and tolerance - recommends that the World Scout Committee encourages Scout Associations to review their youth programmes in order to: - enable Scouts and their leaders to research and analyse the underlying causes of conflict - promote peace, tolerance and reconciliation between communities, especially among young people, thereby helping to establish solidarity - encourage co-operation and exchanges which transcend ethnic, religious and cultural differences - recommends that the World Scout Bureau supports such initiatives by providing Scout Associations with educational input and by helping them to find financial and human resources.
  • 1996-14 90th Anniversary of ScoutingThe Conference - noting that 1997 will be the 90th anniversary of the founding of Scouting - aware that interest in commemorating this event has been expressed by some Scout organizations - resolves to bring this 90th anniversary to the attention of all National Scout Organizations and asks them to consider celebrating the anniversary in appropriate ways. [1]

Valg og utnevninger

Utdelte hederstegn

Disse mottok Bronseulven under konferansen: Luc Panissod, Frankrike, Piet J. Kroonenberg, Nederland, Colin James Inglis, Sør-Afrika, Garnet de la Hunt, Sør-Afrika og Richard Middelkoop, Nederland. [3]

Om teknisk gjennomføring


Flere hundre norske rovere og ledere var frivillige under konferansen. Alt fra å drive konferansen på Folkets hus til å være guider for "følgeprogrammet", med blant annet turer til Lillehammer og museer.

De frivillige som var utenbys fra ble innlosjert på en skole i Oslo sentrum.

Veivalg og diskusjon

For hver enkelt verdenskonferanse i WOSM har det til tider vært diskusjoner i forkant og etterkant, om endringer og forslag. Mange vedtak og gjennomføringen av disse har gitt viktige veivalg for utviklingen i speidingen. Her skal forsøke å gjengi en del av dette. Se hvert enkelt Verdenskonferanser i WOSM. Har du flere opplysninger? Bidra selv, eller send oss en e-post [2]

Utklipp og minner

Ukens artikkel

34. verdenskonferanse i WOSM er presentert slik i ukens artikkel, uke 29, 2016 i Speiderhistorisk leksikon:

Uke 29, 2016

WOSM logo

I juli 1996 var Norges speiderforbund vertskap for den 34. verdenskonferansen i WOSM.

Konferansen ble holdt i Folkets hus i Oslo, med utedag på Sognsvann for delegater fra 108 medlemsland. Flere hundre norske rovere og ledere var frivillige under konferansen.

Kanskje du har noen gode bilder eller historier rundt dette? Bidra du også! [3]

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