29. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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29. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: WOSMlogo.jpg WOSM
Sted: Dearborn
Land: Flagg USA.png USA
Deltagertall: 90 nasjoner
Dato 18.22. juli 1983 [1]

29. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Delegater og deltagerland

90 nasjoner.

Norske minner

Saker og resolusjoner

WOSMlogo.jpg Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 29. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org:

  • 1983-01 Registration of Member OrganizationThe Conference Records with pleasure the admission of "l'Association Mauritanienne du Scoutisme" as a Member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, effective 20 July, 1983.
  • 1983-02 Cooperation with UNICEFThe Conference Records its satisfaction that many Member Organizations are now working successfully with UNICEF and wishes to expand this work, Requests the World Committee to seek cooperation with WAGGGS to prepare a joint plan of action and obtain the necessary materials from UNICEF for distribution to Member Organizations.
  • 1983-03 CoeducationThe Conference, Recognizing that a coeducational programme should assist boys and girls in their personal development, feels that it is important to recognize and endeavour to meet the individual needs of the boy and the girl, Recommends that the World Scout Bureau survey and analyze the coeducational trend in Scouting on a worldwide basis and make this information available to all Scout Associations, Requests WOSM to cooperate with WAGGGS to produce guidelines and provide resources on coeducational questions related to programme and training, and plan joint activities at regional and world level in order to provide more opportunities for cooperation, Recommends that all national Scout organizations keep under review the potential advantages and disadvantages of extending the scope of coeducation within their particular societies, and take appropriate action in the best interest of all young people within those societies.
  • 1983-04 Peace EducationThe Conference requests the World Committee to include "Peace Education” as an item on the agenda of the 30th World Scout Conference in 1985, ensuring that it makes provision for the sharing of practical experiences and encourages discussion of possible future actions.
  • 1983-05 World Scout FoundationThe Conference reinforces the appeal of the Scout constituency around the world to assist the World Scout Foundation in its endeavours, and calls upon all national Scout organizations to actively participate in the Foundation's work to build up a World Capital (Endowment) Fund for the long-term benefit of the Scout Movement.
  • 1983-06 World Scout Committee ReportThe Conference requests the World Scout Committee to ensure that their report and those of the Sub-Committees covering the period between two World Conferences are circulated to Member Organizations at least 30 days prior to the Conference.
  • 1983-07 Facilities for World Scout ConferencesThe Conference recommends that the facilities for World Scout Conferences should, as far as possible, fulfil the following requirements: a) Reasonable standard without being luxurious, such as a university campus b) Adequate international Conference facilities c) Availability of accommodation at modest prices for delegates. (Re-affirmed 1985-11)
  • 1983-08 Annual Registration FeeThe Conference directs that: a) The system of calculating registration fees, first adopted by the Conference in Birmingham, be continued; b) The rate for calculating the annual registration fee be increased from SF 0.28 to SF 0.32 per uniformed member for each of the two years commencing 1st October, 1983.
  • 1983-09 Accredited National Scout OrganizationsThe Conference adopts the document on Accredited National Scout Organizations and directs the World Bureau to reproduce it as an appendix to the Constitution of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.
  • 1983-10 Amendment to ConstitutionIn accordance with Article XXIII of the Constitution, the Conference has approved that Article XI, paragraph 1 and Article XII, paragraph 4, be amended as follows: Article XI, 1 "There shall be a triennial meeting of the World Conference at such time and place as the Conference may decide." Article XII, 4 "No elected member shall hold office for more than six years, one half retiring at each triennial Conference and six new members being elected by vote in their places. A retiring member shall only be eligible for re-election after a lapse of three years. This restriction shall not apply to a member who has been appointed or elected to fill a vacancy and he may be eligible for immediate re-election." The Conference directs that the amendment to Article XI, 1 shall first take effect following the 31st World Scout Conference, and that the 32nd Conference is accordingly to take place in 1990. The Conference further directs to the World Committee to establish suitable transitional arrangements to implement Article XII, 4 as amended, such implementation to begin not earlier than the elections at the 31st World Conference in 1987, and to be completed not later than with the elections at the 33rd Conference in 1993; and directs the World Scout Committee to inform the Conference of the precise arrangements at the 30th World Conference in 1985.
  • 1983-11 International Youth YearThe Conference, Recognizing that the World Organization of the Scout Movement holds consultative status with the United Nations Organizations, Re-affirms its support of the International Youth Year 1985, and recommends that Scout Associations participate in the activities planned for this event.
  • 1983-12 International Commissioners' HandbookWith reference to Conference Resolution 1981-09, the Conference, Considering the World Committee's proposal to publish a dossier entitled "The World Organization of the Scout Movement" which would include a section specifically related to the International Commissioner, Recognizing that such a dossier would serve a wider audience and be a better communication tool rather than a separate International Commissioners' Handbook, Approves the World Committee's proposal to publish the dossier instead of an updated International Commissioners' Handbook and urges that this should be done as soon as possible.
  • 1983-13 Scout Universal FundThe Conference welcomes the spontaneous and generous response of the Canadian International Development Agency to the launch of the revitalized “U” Fund, Accepts the challenge of raising matching funds from local Scout sources for the list of projects circulated by the "U" Fund and commends the “U” Fund to all Member Associations for their active attention. [1]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
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