2. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

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2. verdenskonferanse
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Arrangør: International Bureau
Sted: Paris
Land: Flagg Frankrike.png Frankrike
Deltagertall: 30 nasjoner
Dato 22.29. juli 1922 [1]
Les mer om speidingen i Frankrike Flagg Frankrike.png

WOSMlogo.jpg Verdensforbundet WOSM

2. verdenskonferanse i WOSM

Speiderguttenes verdensorganisasjon ble dannet på denne konferansen som The Boy Scouts International Bureau, ofte benevnt som International Bureau. I 1961 byttet de navn til The World Organization of the Scout Movement, ofte forkortet til WOSM.

IB tidl merke.png 1959: Lederen av International Bureau John Skinner Wilson forteller om 2. verdenskonferanse i WOSM i sin bok "Scouting Round the World", 1959:

Fra "Scouting Round the World".
Scouting Round The World Wilson.jpg
The Constitution was formally adopted at what was designated the Second International Scout Conference, held in Paris in July 1922. The first International Committee was elected, and it is of interest to record the names and to indicate the countries from which they came. It is important to note, however, that a member of the Committee is not a representative of his country, but elected because of his interest in and knowledge of International Scouting and its needs and problems. At the same time it has proved valuable to the Committee that its members are drawn from different parts of the globe and have a more intimate knowledge of Scouting in those parts. The rust Committee consisted of Count Mario di Carpegna (Italy), Lord Hampton (Great Britain), Hon. Myron T. Herrick (U.S. A.), Major Ebbe Lieberath (Sweden), Count H. Marty (France), Sir Alfred Pickford (British Empire), Mortimer L. Schiff (U.S.A.), Dr. A. B. Svojsik (Czechoslovakia), Emmerich Teubcr (Austria). Mr. Herrick was unable to accept election, and the Committee subsequently appointed Frank Presbry (U.S.A.) in his place. Three of these men served on the Committee almost continuously for a great number of years: Count Marty until his death in 1945; Lord Hampton and my old friend Pickie until they determinedly retired in 1947. This original Committee, with B.-P. as its permanent Chairman, was a strong body, and worthily represented International Scouting in the Movement and outside it. To return to the Second International Conference in Paris: the Bureau's Report showed the number of registered Scouts of all ages in 1922 to be 1,344,360, an increase of 325,155 since 1920, partly due to the admission of other countries to the Conference, but mostly to the growing popularity of Scouting in the minds of the public. At the end of 1956 the World Scout population was 7,589,183, an increase of 1,228,421 from 1954. The Paris Conference lasted for five days, and the subjects discussed were many and various. B.-P. gave the fmal talk on the Future of Scouting, as was the custom up to his last Conference in 1917. No record exists of the prophecies he made, Mn the following story of him has been preserved. Two of the delegates were anxious to see something of the night life of Paris. They were hesitant lest their desire for knowledge might be misinterpreted. B.-P. overheard them, and said, more or less: 'Scouting divorced from life is an impossibility.' He offered to come with them to one of the more reputable music halls. They shuddered at the thought that the Chief Scout of the World should be seen in such a place. To calm them, he said he would go disguised, which he did. When telling the talc many years afterwards, he laughed heartily at the memory of dining in the same room with many of the delegates without being recognised, and added that after dinner he had found it all rathcr tame. So in an atmosphere of thankfulness, serious intent, interchange of information and experience, friendly cheerfulness and faith in the future — whatc'er betide — the International Scout Movement was well and truly launched and fitted out for its voyaging over the seven seas.
John Skinner Wilson [2]

Delegater og deltagerland

Det var __ land på denne 2. verdenskonferanse i WOSM.

De norske delegatene: [3]

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Saker og resolusjoner

Det ble vedtatt følgende resolusjoner under 2. verdenskonferanse i WOSM, opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org: * 1922-01 Conference Voting

The Conference decided that for voting purposes each nation should have six votes, equally divided amongst its associations if there be more than one.
  • 1922-02 Executive Committee1) That an Executive Committee be appointed, consisting of nine members, to act on behalf of the International Conference between its biennial meetings. 2) That the following be appointed to act until the next Conference: 1. Count Mario di Carpegna, 2. The Lord Hampton, 3. Hon. Myron T Herrick, 4. Major Ebbe Lieberath, 5. Count H. Marty, 6. Sir Alfred Pickford, 7. Mr. Mortimer L. Schiff, 8. Dr. A.B. Svojsik , 9. Mr. Emmerich Teuber. 3) Duties of the Executive Committee: That the Executive Committee hold office until the next meeting of the Conference and have power: 1. After investigating and after consulting all affiliated Associations, to decide as to the admission of organisation applying for recognition and registration. Should any three countries oppose admission, the question to be referred to the next International Conference. 2. To draw up the regulations and programme of future Conferences. 3. To supervise the financial management of the International Bureau. 4. To appoint tile director of the International Bureau to whom may he delegated such duties as the Committee may deem desirable, including a) Publicity and the collection and centralisation for use of all Scouts papers and journals all over the world. b) Liason purposes, i.e., the development of the Scout Brotherhood by International correspondence, the exchange of visits abroad, camps and attendance at the principal national celebrations. c) All enquiries into applications for membership, requests for assistance, etc. d) Publication of the JAMBOREE and collaboration therein of correspondents appointed all over the world. e) Work connected with the organisation of all Congresses, Jamborees, etc. f) The sending out of instructors, Scout literature, etc., on the request of arecognised Association or the properly constituted (Text missing from historical files) ities in any country where no Scout organisation exists. 5. (Text missing from historical files) represent the International Conference between its biennial meetings, and draft such constitution and bye-laws as may be *****ry for conduct of the work of the International Bureau. 6. To fill vacancies in its membership. The Chief Scout and the Director of the Bureau shall be ex-officio members of the Committee without votes.
  • 1922-03 Chief Scout of the WorldThis Conference re-affirms its recognition of Sir Robert Baden-Powell as the Chief Scout of the world, and asserts its belief that the ideals as set forth in “Scouting for Boys” are so fundamental as to transcend the limit of race and country. They place on record their appreciation of the immense obligation under which the world lies for the system which his genius has evolved and the distribution of that system to all nations to which his personality has materially contributed.
  • 1922-04 International BureauThis Conference affirms its conviction that the formation of the International Bureau which resulted from the Jamboree held in London in 1920 has been an unqualified success in promoting harmonious relations between the different Boy Scouts’ Organizations in the world - a success to which the services of Mr. H.B. Martin, the first director, have greatly contributed – to Mr. Martin the Conference tenders its grateful thanks for his self-sacrificing labours, his broad outlook, and his unfailing tact and courtesy.
  • 1922-05 Hospitality of ConferenceThat this Conference desires to offer hearty thanks to all those to whose work and hospitality the success, inspiration and pleasure of the Conference are due - to the French Government for sympathy and support; to the city of Paris for co-operation; to the French Committee for the arrangements; to Monsieur Marty; to the interpreters and their assistants; and finally to the Boy Scouts, who have acted as messengers and in many other capacities with unfailing courtesy and consideration.
  • 1922-06 Cooperation with Institutions Focused on YouthThat this Conference places on record its desire to work on terms of harmonious co-operation with all institutions and individuals having for their object the welfare and wholesome upbringing of the rising generation.
  • 1922-07 Girl GuidesThat the organisations for girls corresponding to the Girl Guide Movement should not use the name Scout," "Eclaireuse," or any name causing confusion with the Boy Scout Movement. It is felt that the best results will be secured by keeping the two movements separate and distinct in every way, each extending to the other helpful co-operation.
  • 1922-08 Child WelfareThat it be brought to the notice of the proper authorities and of those interested in child welfare, that the Boy Scout Movement may be considered as an effective means of preventing crime and delinquency among youth.
  • 1922-09 Fleur-de-LysThat the universal acceptance of the Fleur-de-Lye as the Scout emblem was impracticable, inasmuch as in certain countries (notably France), the Fleur-de-Lys has a political significance.
  • 1922-10 Translation of “Jamboree”That in future JAMBOREE should be published in the French and English languages only, and that the space so set free should be utilised by additional matter.
  • 1922-11 Membership, VoluntaryThe Conference affirms that it is undesirable that Scouting should be made compulsory.
  • 1922-12 UnityThe Conference decided that wherever possible, in the best interests of the boys of all nations, every reasonable effort be made for an amalgamation of the various associations in any one country and if this be impracticable, the various associations concerned arrange amongst themselves for the selection of one International Commissioner to do business with the International Bureau.
  • 1922-13 University Scout ClubsHaving regard to the opportunity for the development of Scoutmaster leadership represented by older Scouts in colleges and universities, the International Conference recognizes and encourages the organization of university and Scout clubs as a desirable means of the extension of our Scout ideals.
  • 1922-14 RegistrationThat the Egyptian Boy Scout Association, the Iraq Boy Scouts Association, and the Albanian Boy Scouts Association be recognised and registered by the International Bureau.
  • 1922-15 Applications for MembershipThat the applications, for recognition from Mexico and Syria be referred to the Executive Committee. [1]

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  1. 1,0 1,1 WOSMlogo.jpg Opplysninger fra nettstedet til WOSM, scout.org [1].
  2. Scouting Round the World, 1959, John Skinner Wilson.
  3. Adresseavisen, 23. juni 1922
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